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$116 \, 415 \, 321 \, 826 \, 934 \, 814 \, 453 \, 125$ is:


The $48 \, 828 \, 125$th cube number:
$116 \, 415 \, 321 \, 826 \, 934 \, 814 \, 453 \, 125 = 48 \, 828 \, 125 \times 48 \, 828 \, 125 \times 48 \, 828 \, 125$

The $33$rd power of $5$:
$116 \, 415 \, 321 \, 826 \, 934 \, 814 \, 453 \, 125 = 5^{33}$

The larger divisor of the $10$th and largest power of $10$ which can be expressed as the product of $2$ factors neither of which has a zero in its decimal representation:
$10^{33} = 8 \, 589 \, 934 \, 592 \times 116 \, 415 \, 321 \, 826 \, 934 \, 814 \, 453 \, 125$

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