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$1249$ (one thousand, two hundred and forty-nine) is:

The $204$th prime number

The $6$th after $199$, $409$, $619$, $829$, $1039$ of the smallest $10$ primes in arithmetic sequence:
$1249 = 5 \times 210 + 199$

The smaller of the $23$rd pair of primes whose prime gap is $10$:
$1259 - 1249 = 10$

The $26$th trimorphic number after $1$, $4$, $5$, $6$, $9$, $\ldots$, $501$, $624$, $625$, $749$, $751$, $875$, $999$:
$1249^3 = 1 \, 948 \, 44 \mathbf {1 \, 249}$

Also see