162, 259,276, 829,213, 363,391, 578,010, 288,127/Historical Note

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Historical Note on $162 \, 259 \, 276 \, 829 \, 213 \, 363 \, 391 \, 578 \, 010 \, 288 \, 127$

R.E. Powers announced in $1914$ that he had discovered that $162 \, 259 \, 276 \, 829 \, 213 \, 363 \, 391 \, 578 \, 010 \, 288 \, 127 = 2^{107} - 1$ is prime.

E. Fauquembergue simultaneously made the same announcement at the same time.

As some of Fauquembergue's claims of the primality of other Mersenne numbers proved to be incorrect, this result is usually attributed to Powers rather than to Fauquembergue.

It was the $12$th Mersenne prime to be discovered, although the $11$th in sequence.

François Édouard Anatole Lucas had demonstrated in $1876$ that $2^{127} - 1$ (actually the $12$th in sequence) is prime.
