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$4423$ (four thousand, four hundred and twenty-three) is:

The $602$nd prime number

The index of the $20$th Mersenne prime after $2$, $3$, $5$, $7$, $13$, $17$, $19$, $31$, $61$, $89$, $107$, $127$, $521$, $607$, $1279$, $2203$, $2281$, $3217$, $4253$:
$M_{4423} = 2^{4423} - 1 \approx 2 \cdotp 855 \times 10^{1331}$

Historical Note

The Mersenne number $M_{4423} = 2^{4423} - 1$ was demonstrated to be a Mersenne prime by Alexander Hurwitz on $3$ November $1961$, using an IBM 7090, along with $M_{4253}$, whose primality was similarly demonstrated in the same computer run.

These were the first titanic primes ever discovered.

It is a moot question which one was actually discovered first.

Also see