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$709$ (seven hundred and nine) is:

The $127$th prime number.

The larger of the $9$th pair of primes whose prime gap is $8$:
$709 - 701 = 8$

The smaller of the $12$th pair of primes whose prime gap is $10$:
$719 - 709 = 10$

The $22$nd emirp after $13$, $17$, $31$, $37$, $\ldots$, $311$, $337$, $347$, $359$, $389$

The $46$th long period prime after $7$, $17$, $19$, $23$, $29$, $\ldots$, $491$, $499$, $503$, $509$, $541$, $571$, $577$, $593$, $619$, $647$, $659$, $701$

Also see