Amicable Pair/Examples/59,554, 936,495, 441,481, 044,788, 091,271, 148,664, 944,796, 300,859, 243,635, 311,219, 048,448 - 59,554, 936,495, 441,891, 385,123, 332,422, 108,719, 776,971, 992,921, 810,832, 072,976, 105,472/Mistake

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Source Work

1997: David Wells: Curious and Interesting Numbers (2nd ed.):

The Dictionary
$2^4 \times 7 \times 9,288,811,670,405,087 \times 145,135,534,866,431 \times 313,887,523,966,328,699,903$


Together with its amicable friend, $2^4 \times 7 \times 9,288,811,670,405,087 \times 45,556,233,678,753,109,045,286,896,851,222,527$, the largest known pair of amicable numbers. [ Yan and Jackson, Computer Mathematics and Applications v27]

The factors are incorrect.

The correct numbers are:

$2^{47} \times 9,288,811,670,405,087 \times 145,135,534,866,431 \times 313,887,523,966,328,699,903$


$2^{47} \times 9,288,811,670,405,087 \times 45,556,233,678,753,109,045,286,896,851,222,527$

Also, the correct name of the journal the article was found in is Computers & Mathematics with Applications.

It also needs to be pointed out that when the article was written, plenty of larger amicable pairs had been found, so this was far from being the largest pair known.
