Are All Perfect Numbers Even?/Progress/Minimum Size/Historical Note

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Historical Note on Minimum Size of Odd Perfect Number

Bryant Tuckerman published a proof in $1968$ that an odd perfect number is greater than $10^{36}$.

Peter Hagis, Jr. published a proof in $1973$ that an odd perfect number is greater than $10^{50}$.

Richard P. Brent and Graeme L. Cohen published a proof in $1989$ that an odd perfect number is greater than $10^{160}$.

Richard P. Brent, Graeme L. Cohen and Hermanus Johannes Joseph te Riele published a proof in $1991$ that an odd perfect number is greater than $10^{300}$.

Pascal Ochem and Michaël Rao published a proof in $2012$ that an odd perfect number is greater than $10^{1500}$.
