Automorphism Group/Examples/Klein Four-Group
Example of Automorphism Group
The automorphism group of the Klein $4$-group is the Symmetric Group on 3 Letters $S_3$.
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Let $f:V\rightarrow V$ be a permutation that fixes the identity element.
By definition, this map is bijective.
$V$ has the property that the product of any 2 distinct non-identity elements is the 3rd non-identity element.
This implies:
- $\map f {vv'} = \map f v \cdot \map f {v'}$
for all $v, v' \in V$ with $v, v' \ne e$.
For products involving the identity element:
- $\map f {e v} = \map f e \cdot \map f v = e \cdot \map f v = \map f v$
for all $v \in V$.
Also, since all non-identity elements of $V$ have order $2$:
- $\map f {v^2} = \map f {v v} = \map f v \cdot \map f v = e$
for all $v \in V$.
Hence, any permutation of the elements of $V$ that fixes the identity element is an automorphism of $V$.
Since these permutations exhaust all possible automorphisms of $V$, they are the elements of $\Aut V$.
Since the $3! = 6$ elements of $\Aut V$ represent all permutations of $3$ objects, $\Aut V$ is isomorphic to $S_3$.
- 1971: Allan Clark: Elements of Abstract Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $2$: Group Homomorphism and Isomorphism: $\S 64 \zeta$
- jobrien929 (, $\Aut V$ is isomorphic to $S_3$, URL (version: 2012-01-12):