Axioms of Hilbert Proof System Instance 1 for Predicate Logic are Tautologies
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Let $\mathscr H$ be Instance 1 of a Hilbert proof system for predicate logic.
Then the axioms of $\mathscr H$ are tautologies.
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Axiom 1
This is precisely the statement of Propositional Tautology is Tautology in Predicate Logic.
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Although this article appears correct, it's inelegant. There has to be a better way of doing it. In particular: The theorem cited below is actually Universal Generalisation for semantics of PredLog You can help $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ by redesigning it. To discuss this page in more detail, feel free to use the talk page. When this work has been completed, you may remove this instance of {{Improve}} from the code.If you would welcome a second opinion as to whether your work is correct, add a call to {{Proofread}} the page. |
By Well-Formed Formula is Tautology iff Universal Closure is Tautology, we prove the results for axioms 2 through 11 for the WFFs instead of their universal closures.
Let $\sigma$ be an assignment in a structure $\AA$.
Let $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\cdot} \sqbrk \sigma$ be the value mapping for $\sigma$ in $\AA$.
Axiom 2: $\mathbf A \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A }$
We have that $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf A} \sqbrk \sigma = T$ if and only if:
- $\forall a \in A: \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{ a / x } } = T$
By assumption, $x$ does not occur freely in $\mathbf A$.
By Value of Formula under Assignment Determined by Free Variables, it follows that:
- $\forall a \in A: \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{ a / x } } = \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk { \sigma }$
and hence:
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf A} \sqbrk \sigma = \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk { \sigma }$
\(\ds \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A } } \sqbrk \sigma\) | \(=\) | \(\ds \map { f^\to } { \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk \sigma, \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf A} \sqbrk \sigma }\) | ||||||||||||
\(\ds \) | \(=\) | \(\ds \map { f^\to } { \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk \sigma, \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk \sigma }\) | ||||||||||||
\(\ds \) | \(=\) | \(\ds T\) | Definition of Truth Function of Conditional |
Since $\AA$ and $\sigma$ are arbitrary, it follows that $\mathbf A \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A }$ is a tautology.
Axiom 3: $\paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A \implies \mathbf B } \implies \paren{ \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A } \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf B } }$
Aiming for a contradiction, suppose that $\paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A \implies \mathbf B } \implies \paren{ \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A } \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf B } }$ is not a tautology.
Then there exist $\AA, \sigma$ such that:
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } { \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A \implies \mathbf B } \implies \paren{ \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A } \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf B } } } \sqbrk \sigma = F$
By definition of $\operatorname{val}_\AA$, this means:
- $\map { f^\to } { \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf A \implies \mathbf B} \sqbrk \sigma, \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A } \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf B } } \sqbrk \sigma } = F$
By definition of the truth function $f^\to$, this happens if and only if:
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf A \implies \mathbf B} \sqbrk \sigma = T$
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A } \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf B } } \sqbrk \sigma = F$
and, applying the same argument on the second statement, we get:
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf A \implies \mathbf B} \sqbrk \sigma = T$
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf A } \sqbrk \sigma = T$
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\forall x: \mathbf B } \sqbrk \sigma = F$
By definition of $\operatorname{val}_\AA$, the last of these statements means that for some $a \in A$:
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf B } \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{x / a} } = F$
where $\sigma + \paren{x / a}$ is the extension of $\sigma$ by mapping $x$ to $a$.
Similarly, from the first two statements it follows that:
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A } \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{x / a} } = T$
- $\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A \implies \mathbf B} \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{ x / a} } = T$
However, by definition of $\operatorname{val}_\AA$:
\(\ds \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A \implies \mathbf B} \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{ x / a} }\) | \(=\) | \(\ds \map { f^\to } {\map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf A} \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{ x / a} }, \map { \operatorname{val}_\AA } {\mathbf B} \sqbrk { \sigma + \paren{ x / a} } }\) | ||||||||||||
\(\ds \) | \(=\) | \(\ds \map { f^\to } { T , F }\) | from above | |||||||||||
\(\ds \) | \(=\) | \(\ds F\) | Definition of Truth Function of Conditional |
Thus, by Proof by Contradiction, $\paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A \implies \mathbf B } \implies \paren{ \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf A } \implies \paren{ \forall x: \mathbf B } }$ is a tautology.
Axiom 4-11
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- 2009: Kenneth Kunen: The Foundations of Mathematics ... (previous) ... (next): $\text{II}.10$ Formal Proofs: Exercise $\text{II}.10.2$