Book:A.P. French/An Introduction to Quantum Physics
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A.P. French and Edwin F. Taylor: An Introduction to Quantum Physics
Published $\text {1978}$, Nelson Thornes
- ISBN 0-7487-4078-3
Not to be referred to, you naughty students, as French and Saunders.
Subject Matter
- preface
- learning aids for quantum physics
- 1 Simple models of the atom
- 1-1 Introduction
- 1-2 The classical atom
- 1-3 The electrical structure of matter
- 1-4 The Thomson atom
- 1-5 Line spectra
- 1-6 Photons
- 1-7 The Rutherford-Bohr atom
- 1-8 Further predictions of the Bohr model
- 1-9 Direct evidence of discrete energy levels
- 1-10 X-ray spectra
- 1-11 A note on x-ray spectroscopy
- 1-12 Concluding remarks
- exercises
- 2 The wave properties of particles
- 2-1 De Broglie's hypothesis
- 2-2 De Broglie waves and particle velocities
- 2-3 Calculated magnitudes of De Broglie wavelengths
- 2-4 The Davisson-Germer experiments
- 2-5 More about the Davisson-Germer experiments
- 2-6 Further manifestations of the wave properties of electrons
- 2-7 Wave properties of neutral atoms and molecules
- 2-8 Wave properties of nuclear particles
- 2-9 The meaning of the wave-particle duality
- 2-10 The coexistence of wave and particle properties
- 2-11 A first discussion of quantum amplitudes
- exercises
- 3 Wave-particle duality and bound states
- 3-1 Preliminary remarks
- 3-2 The approach to a particle-wave equation
- 3-3 The Schrödinger equation
- 3-4 Stationary states
- 3-3 Particle in a one-dimensional box
- 3-6 Unique energy without unique momentum
- 3-7 Interpretation of the quantum amplitudes for bound states
- 3-8 Particles in nonrigid boxes
- 3-9 Square well of finite depth
- 3-10 Normalisation of the wave function
- 3-11 Qualitative plots of bound-state wave functions
- exercises
- 4 Solutions of Schrödinger's equation in one dimension
- 4-1 Introduction
- 4-2 The square well
- 4-3 The harmonic oscillator
- 4-4 Vibrational energies of diatomic molecules
- 4-5 Computer solutions of the Schrödinger equation
- exercises
- 5 Further applications of Schrödinger's equation
- 5-1 Introduction
- 5-2 The three-dimensional Schrödinger equation
- 5-3 Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
- 5-4 Particle in a three-dimensional box
- 5-5 Spherically symmetric solutions for hydrogen-like systems
- 5-6 Normalization and probability densities
- 5-7 Expectation values
- 5-8 Computer solutions for spherically symmetric hydrogen wave functions
- exercises
- 6 Photons and quantum states
- 6-1 Introduction
- 6-2 States of linear polarization
- 6-3 Linearly polarized photons
- 6-4 Probability and the behavior of polarized photons
- 6-5 States of circular polarization
- 6-6 Orthogonality and completeness
- 6-7 Quantum states
- 6-8 Statistical and classical properties of light
- 6-9 Concluding remarks
- appendix: polarized light and its production
- 6A-1 The production of linearly polarized light
- 6A-2 The production of circularly polarized light
- Suggested experiments with linearly polarized light
- exercises
- 7 Quantum amplitudes and state vectors
- 7-1 Introduction
- 7-2 The analyzer loop
- 7-3 Paradox of the recombined beams
- 7-4 Interference effect in general
- 7-5 Formalism of projection amplitudes
- 7-6 Properties of projection amplitudes
- 7-7 Projection amplitudes for states of circular polarization
- 7-8 The state vector
- 7-9 The state vector and the Schrödinger wave function for bound states
- exercises
- 8 The time dependence of quantum states
- 8-1 Introduction
- 8-2 Superposition of states
- 8-3 An example of motion in a box
- 8-4 Packet states in a square-well potential
- 8-5 The position-momentum uncertainty relation
- 8-6 The uncertainty principle and ground-state energies
- 8-7 Free-particle packet states
- 8-8 Packet states for moving particles
- 8-9 Examples of moving packet states
- 8-10 The energy-time uncertainty relation
- 8-11 Examples of the energy-time uncertainty relation
- 8-12 The shape and width of energy levels
- exercises
- 9 Particle scattering and barrier penetration
- 9-1 Scattering processes in terms of wave packets
- 9-2 Time-independent approach to scattering phenomena
- 9-3 Probability density and probability current
- 9-4 Scattering by a one-dimensional well
- 9-5 Barrier penetration: tunneling
- 9-6 Probability current and barrier penetration problems
- 9-7 An approximation for barrier penetration calculations
- 9-8 Field emission of electrons
- 9-9 Spherically symmetric probability currents
- 9-10 Quantitative theory of alpha decay
- 9-11 Scattering of wave packets
- exercises
- 10 Angular momentum
- 10-1 Introduction
- 10-2 Stern-Gerlach experiment: theory
- 10-3 Stern-Gerlach experiment: descriptive
- 10-4 Magnitudes of atomic dipole moments
- 10-5 Orbital angular momentum operators
- 10-6 Eigenvalues of $L_z$
- 10-7 Simultaneous eigenvalues
- 10-8 Quantum states of a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator
- exercises
- 11 Angular momentum of atomic systems
- 11-1 Introduction
- 11-2 Total orbital angular momentum in central fields
- 11-3 Rotational states of molecules
- 11-4 Spin angular momentum
- 11-5 Spin orbit coupling energy
- 11-6 Formalism for total angular momentum
- appendix: the schrödinger equation in spherical coordinates
- exercises
- 12 Ouantum states of three-dimensional systems
- 12-1 Introduction
- 12-2 The Coulomb model
- 12-3 General features of the radial wave functions for hydrogen
- 12-4 Exact radial wave functions for hydrogen
- 12-5 Complete Coulomb wave functions
- 12-6 Classification of energy eigenstates in hydrogen
- 12-7 Spectroscopic notation
- 12-8 Fine structure of hydrogen energy levels
- 12-9 Isotopic fine structure: heavy hydrogen
- 12-10 Other hydrogen-like systems
- exercises
- 13 Identical particles and atomic structure
- 13-1 Introduction
- 13-2 Schrödinger's equation for two noninteracting particles
- 13-3 The consequences of identity
- 13-4 Spin states for two particles
- 13-5 Exchange symmetry and the Pauli principle
- 13-6 When does symmetry or antisymmetry matter?
- 13-7 Measurability of the symmetry character
- 13-8 States of the helium atom
- 13-9 Many-electron atoms
- 13-10 General structure of a massive atom
- exercises
- 14 Radiation by atoms
- 14-1 Introduction
- 14-2 The classical Hertzian dipole
- 14-3 Radiation from an arbitrary charge distribution
- 14-4 Radiating dipoles according to wave mechanics
- 14-5 Radiation rates and atomic lifetimes
- 14-6 Selection rules and radiation patterns
- 14-7 Systematics of line spectra
- 14-8 Angular momentum of photons
- 14-9 Magnetic dipole radiation and galactic hydrogen
- 14-10 Concluding remarks
- exercises
- bibliography
- answers to exercises
- sepected physical constants and conversion factors
- index
Source work progress
- 1978: A.P. French and Edwin F. Taylor: An Introduction to Quantum Physics ... (previous) ... (next): $1$: Simple models of the atom: $\text {1-3}$: The Electrical Structure of Matter