Book:Fayssal Benkhaldoun/Finite Volumes for Complex Applications
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Fayssal Benkhaldoun and Roland Vilsmeier: Finite Volumes for Complex Applications: Problems and Perspectives
Published $\text {1996}$, Hermes
- ISBN 2-86601-556-8
- Editor's preface
- Préface
- Invited speakers
- Rough schemes for complex hyperbolic systems
- Fast solver for unstructured finite volume methods
- Weighted particle - finite volume hybrid schemes
- A comparison of smoothers and numbering strategies for laminar flow around a cylinder
- Finite volume methods for conservation laws and convection nominal diffusion equations
- Large scale computations on unstructured grids
- Simulation of turbulent flows for complex geometries
- Résumés en français
- Numerical Analysis
- First and second order schemes for a hyperbolic equation: convergence and error estimate
- Convergence of finite volumes schemes for an elliptic-hyperbolic system with boundary conditions
- Finite volume methods for diffusion convection equations on general meshes
- Convergence of a finite volume scheme for a diffusion problem
- A posteriori error estimate for some finite volume schemes
- The mixed finite volume elements $ELRT_0 (V_i)$
- Causes and cure of unfavourable behaviour at low mach number for an implicit upwind scheme
- Fourth-order dissipation on unstructured stretched meshes for convection diffusion problems
- Control volume technique based on the non-centered Padé-type differences
- A novel technique for constructing skew very high resolution schemes
- Relations between FEM and FVM
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of two-fluid models
- Finite volume methods for reaction-diiffusion problems
- Résumés en français
- Innovative schemes
- Problems with heterogeneous and non-isotropic media or distorted grids
- A new method of construction of adjoint gradients and divergences on logically rectangular smooth grids
- Numerical modelling of compressible gas-solid two-phase flows
- TVD and ENO schemes for multidimensional steady and unsteady flows. A comparative analysis
- Aligned 3D-finite-volumes for convection-diffusion problems
- Mid-edge box-schemes for hyperbolic PDEs
- On the use of Crocco's relation in wall boundary treatment
- Mixed finite-difference, finite volume implicit TVD scheme for computation of transonic flows
- MEL simulation for transport problems with spatial velocity distribution
- Numerical modelling of turburlent compressible flows using second order models
- Résumés en français
- New fields of application
- A finite volume projection method for the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on triangular grids
- Modeling ozone depletion in the Arctic polar vortex during the winter 1995 using a high resolution model: the effect of mixing
- Numerical problems encountered in the finite volume modeling of low pressure reacting flows
- Problems of modelling of dynamics and deposition of dust particles in two-phase turbulent flows
- Résumés en français
- Limits of methods and errors
- A critical review of high-order accurate finite volume ENO-schemes
- Influence of the convection scheme on the solution of the pressure correction equation using GMRES with short restart
- A mixed FE-FV algorithm for fast-transient dynamic analysis
- Finite volume discretizations of density driven flows in porous media
- A comparison of different solution procedures for compressible viscous flows
- Résumés en français
- Complexity and large computations
- A strongly implicit finite volume method for complex turbulent flows
- A parallel finite volume solver for large-scale simulation of buoyant flows
- Computation of the trajectory of an immersed body by solving the coupled Navier-Stokes and rigid body dynamics equations
- Finite volumes for 3D compressible turbulent flows using high-order schemes
- Finite-volume solutions of 3-dimensional shock-vortex-boundary layer interaction flowfields
- Large eddy simulation of a turbulent planar jet
- Transient flow numerical simulation in a wind tunnel
- A non structured finite volume algorithm for the numerical simulation of reactive turbulent flows
- Turbulent flow by an implicit finite volume scheme
- Numerical solution of 2D and 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations using cell centered and cell vertex methods
- A finite volume approach for calculation of viscoelastic flow of White-Metzner fluid
- Résumés en français
- Finite volumes for water waves
- Numerical model of pseudo steady flows in estuarine open channel networks using finite volume and finite element methods
- Implementation of topography in Ocean models: a shaved cell approach on an unstaggered grid
- OOVFM for flood wave propagation
- Application of an improved MAC methods (SIMAC) to some water waves problems
- A two-dimensional flux-limited advection scheme for tracking free surfaces
- An efficient upwind scheme with finite volumes of the edge-type for the bidimensional shallow water equations
- A nine-point finite volume Roe scheme for shallow water equations coupled to pollutant transport including source terms
- A reliable and accurate technique for modelling complex open channel flows
- Résumés en français
- Complex geometries and adaptivity
- Study of unsteady viscous flows with shock waves using adaptive-grid solvers
- Finite volume adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for gas dynamics and MHD problems
- Finite volume methods on unstructured meshes for compressible flows
- Finite volume algorithms on arbitrary grids for aerodynamic and hydrodynamic applications
- Anisotropic mesh-refinement techniques for structured grids
- Résumés en français
- Stiff systems with source terms
- Riemann solver for compressible combustion codes
- Stiff problems in thermofluid dynamic using finite volume methods
- Numerical simulation of the deflagration to detonation transition
- Résumés en français
- Index des auteurs