Book:Galileo Galilei/Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze
Galileo Galilei: Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove Scienze
Published $\text {1638}$
In English:
- Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences
Subject Matter
The two sciences mentioned in the title are:
- The strength of materials
- The motion of objects.
Also discussed is the nature of infinity, and in particular Galileo's Paradox.
- Day 1: Resistance of bodies to separation
- Day 2: Cause of cohesion
- Day 3: Naturally accelerated motion
- Day 4: The motion of projectiles
Historical Note
After Galileo had been placed under house arrest, the Roman Inquisition had banned the publication of any of his works, including any he might write in the future.
He initially tried to publish it in France, Germany, and Poland, but failed to find a publisher.
Eventually it was published by Lodewijk Elzevir in Leiden, South Holland, where the the Inquisition had less influence.
In order not to cause Galileo any further trouble, it was decided not to publish it in Venice.
Hence eventually the book was published in Holland.
In January $1639$, the book reached bookstores in Rome.
All $50$ or so copies were quickly sold, and the book appeared to be well regarded.
Galileo did not seem to suffer any harm from the Inquisition from this.
- 1998: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
- 2008: David Nelson: The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics (4th ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
- 2008: Ian Stewart: Taming the Infinite ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $8$: The System of the World: Galileo