Book:George E.P. Box/Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control/Third Edition
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George E.P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins and Gregory C. Reinsel: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (3rd Edition)
Published $\text {1994}$, Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
- ISBN 0-13-060774-6
Subject Matter
- $\textbf 1$ INTRODUCTION
- $1.1$ Four Important Practical Problems
- $\textit {1.1.1}$ Forecasting Time Series
- $\textit {1.1.2}$ Estimation of Transfer Functions
- $\textit {1.1.3}$ Analysis of Effects of Unusual Intervention Events
- $\textit {1.1.4}$ Discrete Control Systems
- $1.1$ Four Important Practical Problems
- $1.2$ Stochastic and Deterministic Dynamic Mathematical Models
- $\textit {1.2.1}$ Stationary and Nonstationary Stochastic Models for Forecasting and Control
- $\textit {1.2.2}$ Transfer Function Models
- $\textit {1.2.3}$ Models for Discrete Control Systems
- $1.2$ Stochastic and Deterministic Dynamic Mathematical Models
- $1.3$ Basic Ideas in Model Building
- $\textit {1.3.1}$ Parsimony
- $\textit {1.3.2}$ Iterative Stages in the Selection of a Model
- $1.3$ Basic Ideas in Model Building
- Part $\textbf {I}$ Stochastic Models and Their Forecasting
- $2.1$ Autocorrelation Properties of Stationary Models
- $\textit {2.1.1}$ Time Series and Stochastic Processes
- $\textit {2.1.2}$ Stationary Stochastic Processes
- $\textit {2.1.3}$ Positive Definiteness and the Autocovariance Matrix
- $\textit {2.1.4}$ Autocovariance and Autocorrelation Functions
- $\textit {2.1.5}$ Estimation of Autocovariance and Autocorrelation Functions
- $\textit {2.1.6}$ Standard Error of Autocorrelation Estimates
- $2.1$ Autocorrelation Properties of Stationary Models
- $2.2$ Spectral Properties of Stationary Models
- $\textit {2.2.1}$ Periodogram of a Time Series
- $\textit {2.2.2}$ Analysis of Variance
- $\textit {2.2.3}$ Spectrum and Spectral Density Function
- $\textit {2.2.4}$ Simple Examples of Autocorrelation and Spectral Density Functions
- $\textit {2.2.5}$ Advantages and Disadvantages of the Autocorrelation and Spectral Density Functions
- $2.2$ Spectral Properties of Stationary Models
- $\text A 2.1$ Link Between the Sample Spectrum and Autocovariance Function Estimate
- $3.1$ General Linear Process
- $\textit {3.1.1}$ Two Equivalent Forms for the Linear Process
- $\textit {3.1.2}$ Autocovariance Generating Function of a Linear Process
- $\textit {3.1.3}$ Stationarity and Invertibility Conditions for a Linear Process
- $\textit {3.1.4}$ Autoregressive and Moving Average Processes
- $3.1$ General Linear Process
- $3.2$ Autoregressive Processes
- $\textit {3.2.1}$ Stationarity Condituons for Autoregressive Processes
- $\textit {3.2.2}$ Autocorrelation Function and Spectrum of Autoregressive Processes
- $\textit {3.2.3}$ First-Order Autoregressive (Markov) Process
- $\textit {3.2.4}$ Second-Order Autoregressive Process
- $\textit {3.2.5}$ Partial Autocorrelation Function
- $\textit {3.2.6}$ Estimation of the Partial Autocorrelation Function
- $\textit {3.2.7}$ Standard Errors of Partial Autocorrelation Estimates
- $3.2$ Autoregressive Processes
- $3.3$ Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {3.3.1}$ Invertibility Conditions for Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {3.3.2}$ Autocorrelation Function and Spectrum of Moving Average Process
- $\textit {3.3.3}$ First-Order Moving Average Process
- $\textit {3.3.4}$ Second-Order Moving Average Process
- $\textit {3.3.5}$ Duality Between Autoregressive and Moving Average Processes
- $3.3$ Moving Average Processes
- $3.4$ Mixed Autoregressive--Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {3.4.1}$ Stationarity and Invertibility Properties
- $\textit {3.4.2}$ Autocorrelation Function and Spectrum of Mixed Processes
- $\textit {3.4.3}$ First-Order Autoregressive--First-Order Moving Average Process
- $\textit {3.4.4}$ Summary
- $3.4$ Mixed Autoregressive--Moving Average Processes
- $\text A 3.1$ Autocovariances, Autocovariance Generating Function, and Stationary Conditions for a General Linear Process
- $\text A 3.2$ Recursive Method for Calculating Estimates of Autoregressive Parameters
- $4.1$ Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {4.1.1}$ Nonstationary First-Order Autoregressive Process
- $\textit {4.1.2}$ General Model for a Nonstationary Process Exhibiting Homogeneity
- $\textit {4.1.3}$ General Form of the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Process
- $4.1$ Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Processes
- $4.2$ Three Explicit Forms for the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model
- $\textit {4.2.1}$ Difference Equation Form of the Model
- $\textit {4.2.2}$ Random Shock Form of the Model
- $\textit {4.2.3}$ Inverted Form of the Model
- $4.2$ Three Explicit Forms for the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model
- $4.3$ Integrated Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {4.3.1}$ Integrated Moving Average Process of Order $\tuple {0, 1, 1}$
- $\textit {4.3.2}$ Integrated Moving Average Process of Order $\tuple {0, 2, 2}$
- $\textit {4.3.3}$ General Integrated Moving Average Process or Order $\tuple {0, d, q}$
- $4.3$ Integrated Moving Average Processes
- $\text A 4.1$ Linear Difference Equations
- $\text A 4.2$ IMA $\tuple {0, 1, 1}$ Process with Deterministic Drift
- $\text A 4.3$ ARIMA Processes with Added Noise
- $\textit {A 4.3.1}$ Sum of Two Independent Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {A 4.3.2}$ Effect of Added Noise on the General Model
- $\textit {A 4.3.3}$ Example for an IMA $\tuple {0, 1, 1}$ Process with Added White Noise
- $\textit {A 4.3.4}$ Relation Between the IMA $\tuple {0, 1, 1}$ Process and a Random Walk
- $\textit {A 4.3.5}$ Autocovariance Function of the General Model with Added Correlated Noise
- $\text A 4.3$ ARIMA Processes with Added Noise
- $\textbf 5$ FORECASTING
- $5.1$ Minimum Mean Square Error Forecasts and Their Properties
- $\textit {5.1.1}$ Derivation of the Minimum Mean Square Error Forecasts
- $\textit {5.1.2}$ Three Basic Forms for the Forecast
- $5.1$ Minimum Mean Square Error Forecasts and Their Properties
- $5.2$ Calculating and Updating Forecasts
- $\textit {5.2.1}$ Convenient Format for the Forecasts
- $\textit {5.2.2}$ Calculation of the $\phi$ Weights
- $\textit {5.2.3}$ Use of the $\phi$ Weights in Updating the Forecasts
- $\textit {5.2.4}$ Calculation of the Probability Limits of the Forecasts at Any Lead Time
- $5.2$ Calculating and Updating Forecasts
- $5.3$ Forecast Function and Forecast Weights
- $\textit {5.3.1}$ Eventual Forecast Function Determined by the Autoregressive Operator
- $\textit {5.3.2}$ Rule of the Moving Average Operator in Fixing the Initial Values
- $\textit {5.3.3}$ Lead $1$ Forecast Weights
- $5.3$ Forecast Function and Forecast Weights
- $5.4$ Examples of Forecast Functions and Their Updating
- $\textit {5.4.1}$ Forecasting an IMA $\tuple {0, 1, 1}$ Process
- $\textit {5.4.2}$ Forecasting an IMA $\tuple {0, 2, 2}$ Process
- $\textit {5.4.3}$ Forecasting a General IMA $\tuple {0, d, q}$ Process
- $\textit {5.4.4}$ Forecasting Autoregressive Processes
- $\textit {5.4.5}$ Forecasting a $\tuple {1, 0, 1}$ Process
- $\textit {5.4.6}$ Forecasting a $\tuple {1, 1, 1}$ Process
- $5.4$ Examples of Forecast Functions and Their Updating
- $5.5$ Use of State Model Formulation for Exact Forecasting
- $\textit {5.5.1}$ State Space Model Representation for the ARIMA Process
- $\textit {5.5.2}$ Kalman Filtering Relations for Use in Prediction
- $5.5$ Use of State Model Formulation for Exact Forecasting
- $5.6$ Summary
- $\text A 5.1$ Correlations Between Forecast Errors
- $\textit {A 5.1.1}$ Autocorrelation Function of Forecast Errors at Different Origins
- $\textit {A 5.1.2}$ Correlation Between Forecast Errors at the Same Origin with Different Lead Times
- $\text A 5.1$ Correlations Between Forecast Errors
- $\text A 5.2$ Forecast Weights for Any Lead Time
- $\text A 5.3$ Forecasting in Terms of the General Integrated Form
- $\textit {A 5.3.1}$ General Method of Obtaining the Integrated Form
- $\textit {A 5.3.2}$ Updating the General Integrated Form
- $\textit {A 5.3.3}$ Comparison with the Discounted Least Squares Method
- $\text A 5.3$ Forecasting in Terms of the General Integrated Form
- Part $\textbf {II}$ Stochastic Model Building
- $6.1$ Objectives of Identification
- $\textit {6.1.1}$ Stages in the Identification Procedure
- $6.1$ Objectives of Identification
- $6.2$ Identification Techniques
- $\textit {6.2.1}$ Use of the Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation Functions in Identification
- $\textit {6.2.2}$ Standard Errors for Estimated Autocorrelations and Partial Autocorrelations
- $\textit {6.2.3}$ Identification of Some Actual Time Series
- $\textit {6.2.4}$ Some Additional Model Identification Tools
- $6.2$ Identification Techniques
- $6.3$ Initial Estimates for the Parameters
- $\textit {6.3.1}$ Uniqueness of Estimates Obtained from the Autocovariance Function
- $\textit {6.3.2}$ Initial Estimates for Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {6.3.3}$ Initial Estimates for Autoregressive Processes
- $\textit {6.3.4}$ Initial Estimates for Mixed Autoregressive--Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {6.3.5}$ Choice Between Stationary and Nonstationary Models in Doubtful Cases
- $\textit {6.3.6}$ More Formal Tests for Unit Roots in ARIMA Models
- $\textit {6.3.7}$ Initial Estimate of Residual Variance
- $\textit {6.3.8}$ Approximate Standard Error for $\overline w$
- $6.3$ Initial Estimates for the Parameters
- $6.4$ Model Multiplicity
- $\textit {6.4.1}$ Multiplicity of Autoregressive--Moving Average Models
- $\textit {6.4.2}$ Multiple Moment Solutions for Moving Average Parameters
- $\textit {6.4.3}$ Use of the Backward Process to Determine Starting Values
- $6.4$ Model Multiplicity
- $\text A 6.1$ Expected Behavior of the Estimated Autocorrelation Function for a Nonstationary Process
- $\text A 6.2$ General Method for Obtaining Initial Estimates of the Parameters of a Mixed Autoregressive--Moving Average Process
- $\textbf 7$ MODEL ESTIMATION
- $7.1$ Study of the Likelihood and Sum of Squares Functions
- $\textit {7.1.1}$ Likelihood Function
- $\textit {7.1.2}$ Conditional Likelihood for an ARIMA Process
- $\textit {7.1.3}$ Choice of Starting Values for Conditional Calculation
- $\textit {7.1.4}$ Unconditional Likelihood; Sum of Squares Function; Least Squares Estimate
- $\textit {7.1.5}$ General Procedure for Calculating the Unconditional Sum of Squares
- $\textit {7.1.6}$ Graphical Study of the Sum of Squares Function
- $\textit {7.1.7}$ Description of "Well-Behaved" Estimation Simulations; Confidence Regions
- $7.1$ Study of the Likelihood and Sum of Squares Functions
- $7.2$ Nonlinear Estimation
- $\textit {7.2.1}$ General Method of Approach
- $\textit {7.2.2}$ Numerical Estimates of the Derivatives
- $\textit {7.2.3}$ Direct Evaluation of the Derivatives
- $\textit {7.2.4}$ General Least Squares Algorithm for the Conditional Matrix
- $\textit {7.2.5}$ Summary of Models Fitted to Series A to F
- $\textit {7.2.6}$ Large-Sample Information Matrices and Covariance Estimates
- $7.2$ Nonlinear Estimation
- $7.3$ Some Estimation Results for Specific Models
- $\textit {7.3.1}$ Autoregressive Processes
- $\textit {7.3.2}$ Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {7.3.3}$ Mixed Processes
- $\textit {7.3.4}$ Separation of Linear and Nonlinear Components in Estimation
- $\textit {7.3.5}$ Parameter Redundancy
- $7.3$ Some Estimation Results for Specific Models
- $7.4$ Estimation using Bayes' Theorem
- $\textit {7.4.1}$ Bayes' Theorem
- $\textit {7.4.2}$ Bayesian Estimation of Parameters
- $\textit {7.4.3}$ Autoregressive Processes
- $\textit {7.4.4}$ Moving Average Processes
- $\textit {7.4.5}$ Mixed processes
- $7.4$ Estimation using Bayes' Theorem
- $7.5$ Likelihood Function Based on The State Space Model
- $\text A 7.1$ Review of Normal Distribution Theory
- $\textit {A 7.1.1}$ Partitioning of a Positive-Definite Quadratic FOrm
- $\textit {A 7.1.2}$ Two Useful Integrals
- $\textit {A 7.1.3}$ Normal Distribution
- $\textit {A 7.1.4}$ Student's $t$-Distribution
- $\text A 7.1$ Review of Normal Distribution Theory
- $\text A 7.2$ Review of Linear Least Squares Theory
- $\textit {A 7.2.1}$ Normal Equations
- $\textit {A 7.2.2}$ Estimation of Residual Variance
- $\textit {A 7.2.3}$ Covariance Matrix of Estimates
- $\textit {A 7.2.4}$ Confidence Regions
- $\textit {A 7.2.5}$ Correlated Errors
- $\text A 7.2$ Review of Linear Least Squares Theory
- $\text A 7.3$ Exact Likelihood Function for Moving Average and Mixed Processes
- $\text A 7.4$ Exact Likelihood Function for an Autoregressive Process
- $\text A 7.5$ Examples of the Effect of Parameter Estimation
- $\text A 7.6$ Special Note on Estimation of Moving Average Parameters
- $8.1$ Checking the Stochastic Model
- $\textit {8.1.1}$ General Philosophy
- $\textit {8.1.2}$ Overfitting
- $8.1$ Checking the Stochastic Model
- $8.2$ Diagnostic Checks Applied to Residuals
- $\textit {8.2.1}$ Autocorrelation Check
- $\textit {8.2.2}$ Portmanteau Lack-of-Fit Test
- $\textit {8.2.3}$ Model Inadequacy Arising from Changes in Parameter Values
- $\textit {8.2.4}$ Score Tests for Model Checking
- $\textit {8.2.5}$ Cumulative Periodogram Check
- $8.2$ Diagnostic Checks Applied to Residuals
- $8.3$ Use of Residuals to Modify the Model
- $\textit {8.3.1}$ Nature of the Correlations in the Residuals When an Incorrect Model Is Used
- $\textit {8.3.2}$ Use of Residuals to Modify the Model
- $8.3$ Use of Residuals to Modify the Model
- $\textbf 9$ SEASONAL MODELS
- $9.1$ Parsimonious Models for Seasonal Time Series
- $\textit {9.1.1}$ Fitting versus Forecasting
- $\textit {9.1.2}$ Seasonal Models Involving Adaptive Sines and Cosines
- $\textit {9.1.3}$ General Multiplicative Seasonal Model
- $9.1$ Parsimonious Models for Seasonal Time Series
- $9.2$ Representation of the Airline Data by a Multiplicative $\tuple {0, 1, 1} \times \tuple {0, 1, 1}_{12}$ Seasonal Model
- $\textit {9.2.1}$ Multiplicative $\tuple {0, 1, 1} \times \tuple {0, 1, 1}_{12}$ Model
- $\textit {9.2.2}$ Forecasting
- $\textit {9.2.3}$ Identification
- $\textit {9.2.4}$ Estimation
- $\textit {9.2.5}$ Diagnostic Checking
- $9.2$ Representation of the Airline Data by a Multiplicative $\tuple {0, 1, 1} \times \tuple {0, 1, 1}_{12}$ Seasonal Model
- $9.3$ Some Aspects of More General Seasonal Models
- $\textit {9.3.1}$ Multiplicative and Nonmultiplicative Models
- $\textit {9.3.2}$ Identification
- $\textit {9.3.3}$ Estimation
- $\textit {9.3.4}$ Eventual Forecast Functions for Various Seasonal Models
- $\textit {9.3.5}$ Choice of Transformation
- $9.3$ Some Aspects of More General Seasonal Models
- $9.4$ Structural Component Models and Deterministic Seasonal Components
- $\textit {9.4.1}$ Deterministic Seasonal and Trend Components and Common Factors
- $\textit {9.4.2}$ Models with Regression Terms and Time Series Error Terms
- $9.4$ Structural Component Models and Deterministic Seasonal Components
- $\text A 9.1$ Autocovariances for Some Seasonal Models
- Part $\textbf {III}$ Transfer Function Model Building
- $10.1$ Linear Transfer Function Models
- $\textit {10.1.1}$ Discrete Transfer Function
- $\textit {10.1.2}$ Continuous Dynamic Models Represented by Differential Equations
- $10.1$ Linear Transfer Function Models
- $10.2$ Discrete Dynamic Models Represented by Difference Equations
- $\textit {10.2.1}$ General Form of the Difference Equation
- $\textit {10.2.2}$ Nature of the Transfer Function
- $\textit {10.2.3}$ First- and Second-Order Discrete Transfer Function Models
- $\textit {10.2.4}$ Recursive Computation of Output for Any Input
- $\textit {10.2.5}$ Transfer Function Models with Added Noise
- $10.2$ Discrete Dynamic Models Represented by Difference Equations
- $10.3$ Relation Between Discrete and Continuous Models
- $\textit {10.3.1}$ Response to a Pulsed Input
- $\textit {10.3.2}$ Relationships for First- and Second-Order Coincident Systems
- $\textit {10.3.3}$ Approximating General Continuous Models by Discrete Models
- $10.3$ Relation Between Discrete and Continuous Models
- $\text A 10.1$ Continuous Models With Pulsed Inputs
- $\text A 10.2$ Nonlinear Transfer Functions and Linearization
- $11.1$ Cross Correlation Function
- $\textit {11.1.1}$ Properties of the Cross Covariance and Cross Correlation Functions
- $\textit {11.1.2}$ Estimation of the Cross Covariance and Cross Correlation Functions
- $\textit {11.1.3}$ Approximate Standard Errors of Cross Correlation Estimates
- $11.1$ Cross Correlation Function
- $11.2$ Identification of Transfer Function Models
- $\textit {11.2.1}$ Identification of Transfer Function Models by Prewhitening the Input
- $\textit {11.2.2}$ Example of the Identification of a Transfer Function Model
- $\textit {11.2.3}$ Identification of the Noise Model
- $\textit {11.2.4}$ Some General Considerations in Identifying Transfer Function Models
- $11.2$ Identification of Transfer Function Models
- $11.3$ Fitting and Checking Transfer Function Models
- $\textit {11.3.1}$ Conditional Sum of Squares Function
- $\textit {11.3.2}$ Nonlinear Estimation
- $\textit {11.3.3}$ Use of Residuals for Diagnostic Checking
- $\textit {11.3.4}$ Specific Checks Applied to the Residuals
- $11.3$ Fitting and Checking Transfer Function Models
- $11.4$ Some Examples of Fitting and Checking Transfer Function Models
- $\textit {11.4.1}$ Fitting and Checking of the Gas Furnace Model
- $\textit {11.4.2}$ Simulated Example with Two Inputs
- $11.4$ Some Examples of Fitting and Checking Transfer Function Models
- $11.5$ Forecasting Using Leading Indicators
- $\textit {11.5.1}$ Minimum Mean Square Error Forecast
- $\textit {11.5.2}$ Forecast of $CO_2$ Output from Gas Furnace
- $\textit {11.5.3}$ Forecast of Nonstationary Sales Data Using a Leading Indicator
- $11.5$ Forecasting Using Leading Indicators
- $11.6$ Some Aspects of the Design of Experiments to Estimate Transfer Functions
- $\text A 11.1$ Use of Cross Spectral Analysis of Experiment to Estimate Transfer Functions
- $\textit {A 11.1.1}$ Identification of Single Input Transfer Function Models
- $\textit {A 11.1.2}$ Identification of Multiple Input Transfer Models
- $\text A 11.1$ Use of Cross Spectral Analysis of Experiment to Estimate Transfer Functions
- $\text A 11.2$ Choice of Input to Provide Optimal Parameter Estimates
- $\textit {A 11.2.1}$ Design of Optimal Inputs for a Simple System
- $\textit {A 11.2.2}$ Numerical Example
- $\text A 11.2$ Choice of Input to Provide Optimal Parameter Estimates
- $12.1$ Intervention Analysis Methods
- $\textit {12.1.1}$ Models for Intervention Analysis
- $\textit {12.1.2}$ Example of Intervention Analysis
- $\textit {12.1.3}$ Nature of the MLE for a Simple Level Change Parameter Model
- $12.1$ Intervention Analysis Methods
- $12.2$ Outlier Analysis for Time Series
- $\textit {12.2.1}$ Models for Additive and Innovational Outliers
- $\textit {12.2.2}$ Estimation of Outlier Effect for Known Timing of the Outlier
- $\textit {12.2.3}$ Iterative Procedure for Outlier Detection
- $\textit {12.2.4}$ Examples of Analysis of Outliers
- $12.2$ Outlier Analysis for Time Series
- $12.3$ Estimation for ARMA Models with Missing Values
- Part $\textbf {IV}$ Design of Discrete Control Schemes
- $13.1$ Process Monitoring and Process Adjustment
- $\textit {13.1.1}$ Process Monitoring
- $\textit {13.1.2}$ Process Adjustment
- $13.1$ Process Monitoring and Process Adjustment
- $13.2$ Process Adjustment Using Feedback Control
- $\textit {13.2.1}$ Feedback Adjustment Chart
- $\textit {13.2.2}$ Modelling the Feedback Loop
- $\textit {13.2.3}$ Simple Models for Disturbances and Dynamics
- $\textit {13.2.4}$ General Minimum Mean Square Error Feedback Control Schemes
- $\textit {13.2.5}$ Manual Adjustment for Discrete Proportional--Integral Schemes
- $\textit {13.2.6}$ Complementary Roles of Monitoring and Adjustment
- $13.2$ Process Adjustment Using Feedback Control
- $13.3$ Excessive Adjustment Sometimes Required by MMSE Control
- $\textit {13.3.1}$ Constrained Control
- $13.3$ Excessive Adjustment Sometimes Required by MMSE Control
- $13.4$ Minimum Cost Control With Fixed Costs of Adjustment and Monitoring
- $\textit {13.4.1}$ Bounded Adjustment Scheme for Fixed Adjustment Cost
- $\textit {13.4.2}$ Indirect Approach for Obtaining a Bounded Adjustment Scheme
- $\textit {13.4.3}$ Inclusion of the Cost of Monitoring
- $13.4$ Minimum Cost Control With Fixed Costs of Adjustment and Monitoring
- $13.5$ Monitoring Values of Parameters of Forecasting and Feedback Adjustment Schemes
- $\text A 13.1$ Feedback Control Schemes Where the Adjustment Variance Is Restricted
- $\textit {A 13.1.1}$ Derivation of Optimal Adjustment
- $\text A 13.1$ Feedback Control Schemes Where the Adjustment Variance Is Restricted
- $\text A 13.2$ Choice of the Sampling Interval
- $\textit {A 13.2.1}$ Illustration of the Effect of Reducing Sampling Frequency
- $\textit {A 13.2.2}$ Sampling an IMA $\tuple {0, 1, 1}$ Process
- $\text A 13.2$ Choice of the Sampling Interval
- Part $\textbf {V}$ Charts and Tables
- Part $\textbf {VI}$
Further Editions
- 1970: George Box and Gwilym Jenkins: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control
- 1976: George E.P. Box and Gwilym M. Jenkins: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (2nd ed.)
- 2008: George E.P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins and Gregory C. Reinsel: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (4th ed.)
- 2016: George E.P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins and Gregory C. Reinsel: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (5th ed.)
Source Work Progress
- 1994: George E.P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins and Gregory C. Reinsel: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next):
- $1$: Introduction:
- $1.1$ Four Important Practical Problems:
- $1.1.1$ Forecasting Time Series
- $1.1$ Four Important Practical Problems:
- $1$: Introduction:
Starting on Section $1.2$ with Next:
- 1994: George E.P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins and Gregory C. Reinsel: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next):
- $1$: Introduction:
- $1.2$ Stochastic and Deterministic Dynamic Mathematical Models
- $1.2.1$ Stationary and Nonstationary Stochastic Models for Forecasting and Control: Nonstationary models
- $1.2$ Stochastic and Deterministic Dynamic Mathematical Models
- $1$: Introduction:
Starting on Section $1.3$ with Next:
- 1994: George E.P. Box, Gwilym M. Jenkins and Gregory C. Reinsel: Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control (3rd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next):
- Part $\text {I}$: Stochastic Models and their Forecasting:
- $2$: Autocorrelation Function and Spectrum of Stationary Processes:
- $2.1$ Autocorrelation Properties of Stationary Models:
- $2.1.4$ Autocovariance and Autocorrelation Functions
- $2.1$ Autocorrelation Properties of Stationary Models:
- $2$: Autocorrelation Function and Spectrum of Stationary Processes:
- Part $\text {I}$: Stochastic Models and their Forecasting: