Book:Irving M. Copi/Symbolic Logic/Fifth Edition
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Irving M. Copi: Symbolic Logic (5th Edition)
Published $\text {1979}$, Prentice Hall
- ISBN 0-02324-980-3
Subject Matter
- 1 Introduction: Logic and Language
- 1.1 What Is Logic?
- 1.2 The Nature of Argument
- 1.3 Truth and Validity
- 1.4 Symbolic Logic
- 2 Arguments Containing Compound Statements
- 2.1 Simple and Compound Statements
- 2.2 Conditional Statements
- 2.3 Argument Forms and Truth Tables
- 2.4 Statement Forms
- 3 The Method of Deduction
- 3.1 Formal Proof of Validity
- 3.2 The Rule of Replacement
- 3.3 Proving Invalidity
- 3.4 The Rule of Conditional Proof
- 3.5 The Rule of Indirect Proof
- 3.6 Proofs of Tautologies
- 3.7 The Strengthened Rule of Conditional Proof
- 3.8 Shorter Truth Table Technique—Reductio ad Absurdum Method
- 4 Quantification Theory
- 4.1 Singular Propositions and General Propositions
- 4.2 Proving Validity: Preliminary Quantification Rules
- 4.3 Proving Invalidity
- 4.4 Multiply-General Propositions
- 4.5 Quantification Rules
- 4.6 More on Proving Invalidity
- 4.7 Logical Truths Involving Quantifiers
- 5 The Logic of Relations
- 5.1 Symbolizing Relations
- 5.2 Arguments Involving Relations
- 5.3 Some Attributes of Relations
- 5.4 Identity and the Definite Description
- 5.5 Predicate Variables and Attributes of Attributes
- 6 Deductive Systems
- 6.1 Definition and Deduction
- 6.2 Euclidean Geometry
- 6.3 Formal Deductive Systems
- 6.4 Attributes of Formal Deductive Systems
- 6.5 Logistic Systems
- 7 Set Theory
- 7.1 The Algebra of Classes
- 7.2 Axioms for Class Algebra
- 7.3 Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory ($\mathbf{ZF}$)—The First Six Axioms
- 7.4 Relations and Functions
- 7.5 Natural Numbers and the Axiom of Infinity
- 7.6 Cardinal Numbers and the Choice Axiom
- 7.7 Ordinal Numbers and the Axioms of Replacement and Regularity
- 8 A Propositional Calculus
- 8.1 Object Language and Metalanguage
- 8.2 Primitive Symbols and Well Formed Formulas
- 8.3 Axioms and Demonstrations
- 8.4 Independence of the Axioms
- 8.5 Development of the Calculus
- 8.6 Deductive Completeness
- 9 Alternative Systems and Notations
- 9.1 Alternative Systems of Logic
- 9.2 The Hilbert-Ackermann System
- 9.3 The Use of Dots as Brackets
- 9.4 A Parenthesis-Free Notation
- 9.5 The Stroke and Dagger Operators
- 9.6 The Nicod System
- 10 A First-Order Function Calculus
- 10.1 The New Logistic System $\mathrm{RS}_1$
- 10.2 The Development of $\mathrm{RS}_1$
- 10.3 Duality
- 10.4 $\mathrm{RS}_1$ and the 'Natural Deduction' Techniques
- 10.5 Normal Forms
- 10.6 Completeness of $\mathrm{RS}_1$
- 10.7 $\mathrm{RS}_1$ with Identity
- 10.8 First-Order Logic Including $\mathbf{ZF}$ Set Theory
- Appendix A: Incompleteness of the Nineteen Rules
- Appendix B: Normal Forms and Boolean Expansions
- Appendix C: The Ramified Theory of Types
- Solutions to Selected Exercises
- Special Symbols
- Index