Book:Joseph Edwards/Integral Calculus for Beginners: With an Introduction to the Study of Differential Equations
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Joseph Edwards: Integral Calculus for Beginners: With an Introduction to the Study of Differential Equations
Published $\text {1896}$
Subject Matter
Integral Calculus
Chapter I. Notation, Summation, Applications.
- Determination of an Area
- Integration from the Definition
- Volume of Revolution
Chapter II. General Method, Standard Forms.
- Fundamental Theorem
- Nomenclature and Notation
- General Laws obeyed by the Integrating Symbol
- Integration of $x^n$, $x^{-1}$
- Table of Results
Chapter III. Method of Substitution.
- Method of Changing the Variable
- The Hyperbolic Functions
- Additional Standard Results
Chapter IV. Integration by Parts.
- Integration "by Parts" of a Product
- Geometrical Proof
- Extension of the Rule
Chapter V. Partial Fractions.
- Standard Cases
- General Fraction with Rational Numerator and Denominator
Chapter VI. Sundry Standard Methods.
- Integration of $\ds \int \frac {\d x} {\sqrt R}$
- Powers and Products of Sines and Cosines
- Powers of Secants or Cosecants
- Powers of Tangents or Cotangents
- Integration of $\ds \int \frac {\d x} {a + b \cos x}$. etc.
Chapter VII. Reduction Formulae.
- Integration of $x^{m - 1} X^p$, where $X = a + b x^n$
- Reduction Formulae for $\ds \int x^{m - 1} X^p \d x$
- Reduction Formulae for $\ds \int \sin^p x cos^q x \d x$
- Evaluation of $\ds \int_0^{\frac \pi 2} \sin^n x \d x$, $\ds \int_0^{\frac \pi 2} \sin^p x cos^q x \d x$
Chapter VIII. Miscellaneous Methods.
- Integration of $\ds \int \frac {\map \phi x \d x} {X \sqrt Y}$
- Integration of some Special Fractional Forms
- General Propositions and Geometrical Illustrations
- Some Elementary Definite Integrals
- Differentiation under an Integral Sign
Chapter IX. Rectification.
- Rules for Curve-Tracing
- Formulae for Rectification and Illustrative Examples
- Modification for a Closed Curve
- Arc of an Evolute
- Intrinsic Equation
- Arc of Pedal Curve
Chapter X. Quadrature.
- Cartesian Formula
- Sectorial Areas. Polars
- Area of a Closed Curve
- Other Expressions
- Area between a Curve, two Radii of Curvature and the Evolute
- Areas of Pedals
- Corresponding Areas
Chapter XI. Surfaces and Volumes of Solids of Revolution.
- Volumes of Revolution
- Surfaces of Revolution
- Theorems of Pappus
- Revolution of a Sectorial Area
Chapter XII. Second-order Elements of Area. Miscellaneous Applications.
- Surface Integrals, Cartesian Element
- Centroids; Moment sof Inertia
- Surfaces Integrals, Polar Element
- Centroids, etc., Polar Formulae
Differential Equations
Chapter XIII. Equations of the First Order.
- Genesis of a Differential Equation
- Variables Separable
- Linear Equations
Chapter XIV. Equations of the First Order (Continued).
- Homogeneous Equations
- One Letter Absent
- Clairaut's Form
Chapter XV. Equations of the Second Order. Exact Differential Equations.
- Linear Equations
- One Letter Absent
- General Linear Equation. Removal of a Term
- Exact Differential Equations
Chapter XVI. Lear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients.
- General Form of Solution
- The Complementary Function
- The Particular Integral
- An Equation Reducible to Linear Form with Constant Coefficients
Chapter XVII. Orthogonal Trajectories. Miscellaneous Equations.
- Orthogonal Trajectories
- Some Important Dynamical Equations
- Further Illustrative Examples