Book:Ronald N. Bracewell/The Fourier Transform and its Applications/Second Edition
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Ronald N. Bracewell: The Fourier Transform and its Applications
Published $\text {1978}$, McGraw-Hill
- ISBN 07-066196-0
Subject Matter
- Preface to the Second Edition
- Preface to the First Edition
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Groundwork
- The Fourier transform and Fourier's integral theorem
- Conditions for the existence of Fourier transforms
- Transforms in the limit
- Oddness and evenness
- Significance of oddness and evenness
- Complex conjugates
- Cosine and sine transforms
- Interpretation of the formulas
- Problems
- Bibliography
- Chapter 3 Convolution
- Examples of convolution
- Serial products
- Inversion of serial multiplication / The serial product in matrix notation / Sequences as vectors
- The autocorrelation function
- Pentagram notation for cross correlation
- The energy spectrum
- Appendix
- Problems
- Chapter 4 Notation for Some Useful Functions
- Rectangle function of unit height and base, $\map \Pi x$
- The triangle function of unit height and area, $\map \Lambda x$
- Various exponentials and Gaussian and Rayleigh curves
- Heaviside's unit step function, $\map H x$
- The sign function, $\map \sgn x$
- The filtering or interpolating function, $\map {\operatorname {sinc} } x$
- Pictorial representation
- Summary of special symbols
- Chapter 5 The Impulse Symbol
- The sifting property
- The sampling or replicating symbol $\map {\operatorname {III} } x$
- The even and odd impulse pairs, $\map {\operatorname {II} } x$ and $\map {\operatorname {I_I} } x$
- Derivatives of the impulse symbol
- Null functions
- Some functions in two and more dimensions
- The concept of generalized function
- Particularly well-behaved functions / Regular sequences / Generalized functions / Algebra of generalized functions / Differentiation of ordinary functions
- Problems
- Chapter 6 The Basic Theorems
- A few transforms for illustration
- Similarity theorem
- Addition theorem
- Shift theorem
- Modulation theorem
- Convolution theorem
- Rayleigh's theorem
- Power theorem
- Autocorrelation theorem
- Derivative theorem
- Derivative of a convolution integral
- The transform of a generalized function
- Proofs of theorems
- Addition theorem / Similarity and shift theorems / Derivative theorem / Power theorem
- Summary of theorems
- Problems
- Chapter 7 Doing Transforms
- Integration in closed form
- Numerical Fourier transformation
- Generation of transforms by theorems
- Application of the derivative theorem to segmented functions
- Chapter 8 The Two Domains
- Definite integral
- The first moment
- Centroid
- Moment of inertia (second moment)
- Moments
- Mean-square abscissa
- Radius of gyration
- Variance
- Smoothness and compactness
- Smoothness under convolution
- Asymptotic behavior
- Equivalent width
- Autocorrelation width
- Mean-square widths
- Some inequalities
- Upper limits to ordinate and slope / Schwarz's inequality
- The uncertainty relation
- Proof of uncertainty relation / Example of uncertainty relation
- The finite difference
- Running means
- Central-limit theorem
- Summary of correspondences in the two domains
- Problems
- Chapter 9 Electrical Waveforms, Spectra, and Filters
- Electrical waveforms and spectra
- Filters
- Interpretation of theorems
- Similarity theorem / Addition theorem / Shift theorem / Modulation theorem / Converse of modulation theorem
- Linearity and time invariance
- Problems
- Chapter 10 Sampling and Series
- Sampling theorem
- Interpolation
- Rectangular filtering
- Undersampling
- Ordinate and slope sampling
- Interlaced sampling
- Sampling in the presence of noise
- Fourier series
- Gibbs phenomenon / Finite Fourier transforms / Fourier coefficients
- The shah symbol is its own Fourier transform
- Problems
- Chapter 11 The Laplace Transform
- Convergence of the Laplace integral
- Theorems for the Laplace transform
- Transient-response problems
- Laplace transform pairs
- Natural behavior
- Impulse response and transfer function
- Initial-value problems
- Setting out initial-value problems
- Switching problems
- Problems
- Chapter 12 Relatives of the Fourier Transform
- The two-dimensional Fourier transform
- Two-dimensional convolution
- The Hankel transform
- Fourier kernels
- The three-dimensional Fourier transform
- The Hankel transform in $n$ dimensions
- The Mellin transform
- The $z$ transform
- The Abel transform
- The Hilbert transform
- The analytic signal / Instantaneous frequency and envelope / Causality
- Problems
- Chapter 13 Antennas
- One-dimensional apertures
- Analogy with waveforms and spectra
- Beam width and aperture width
- Beam swinging
- Arrays of arrays
- Interferometers
- Physical aspects of the angular spectrum
- Two-dimensional theory
- Problems
- Chapter 14 Television Image Formation
- The convolution relation
- Test procedure by response to point source
- Testing by frequency response
- Equalization
- Edge response
- Raster sampling
- Problems
- Chapter 15 Convolution in Statistics
- Distribution of a sum
- Consequences of the convolution relation
- The characteristic function
- The truncated exponential distribution
- The Poisson distribution
- Problems
- Chapter 16 Noise Waveforms
- Discrete representation by random digits
- Filtering a random input: effect on amplitude distribution
- Digression on independence / The convolution relation
- Effect on autocorrelation
- Effect on spectrum
- Spectrum of random input / The output spectrum
- Some noise records
- Envelope of bandpass noise
- Detection of a noise waveform
- Measurement of noise power
- Problems
- Chapter 17 Heat Conduction and Diffusion
- One-dimensional diffusion
- Gaussian diffusion from a point
- Diffusion of a spatial sinusoid
- Sinusoidal time variation
- Problems
- Chapter 18 The Discrete Fourier Transform
- The discrete transform formula
- Cyclic convolution
- Examples of discrete Fourier transforms
- Reciprocal property
- Oddness and evenness
- Examples with special symmetry
- Complex conjugates
- Reversal property
- Addition theorem
- Shift theorem
- Convolution theorem
- Product theorem
- Cross-correlation
- Autocorrelation
- Sum of sequence
- First value
- Generalized Parseval-Rayleigh theorem
- Packing theorem
- Similarity theorem
- The fast Fourier transform
- Practical considerations
- Is the discrete Fourier transform correct?
- Applications of the FFT
- Two-dimensional data
- Power spectra
- Chapter 19 Pictorial Dictionary of Fourier Transforms
- Chapter 20 Supplementary Problems
- Chapter 21 Tables
- Index
Further Editions
Source work progress
- 1978: Ronald N. Bracewell: The Fourier Transform and its Applications (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $2$: Groundwork: The Fourier transform and Fourier's integral theorem