Book:Walter Ledermann/Multiple Integrals
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Walter Ledermann: Multiple Integrals
Published $\text {1966}$, Routledge & Kegan Paul
Subject Matter
- Preface
- 1. Line Integrals
- 1. Preliminary remarks about curves
- 2. Definition of a curvilinear integral
- 3. Area
- Exercises
- 2. Double Integrals
- 1. Definition of a double integral
- 2. Double integrals over a rectangle
- 3. Double integrals over normal regions
- 4. Green's Theorem in two dimensions
- 5. Change of variables
- 6. Transformations of double integrals
- 7. Improper integrals
- 8. Volumes
- Exercises
- 3. Surface Integrals
- 1. Preliminary remarks about surfaces
- 2. The area of a surface
- 3. Surface integrals
- Exercises
- 4. Volume Integrals
- 1. Definition of a volume integral
- 2. Reduction to repeated integral
- 3. Gauss's Theorem (divergence theorem)
- 4. Change of variables
- 5. Stokes's Theorem
- Exercises
- Appendix
- Solutions to Exercises
- Index
Source work progress
- 1966: Walter Ledermann: Multiple Integrals ... (next): Chapter $1$: Line Integrals: $1$. Preliminary Remarks about Curves