Category:Definitions/Particular Point Topology
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This category contains definitions related to Particular Point Topology.
Related results can be found in Category:Particular Point Topology.
Let $S$ be a set which is non-empty.
Let $p \in S$ be some particular point of $S$.
We define a subset $\tau_p$ of the power set $\powerset S$ as:
- $\tau_p = \set {A \subseteq S: p \in A} \cup \set \O$
that is, all the subsets of $S$ which include $p$, along with the empty set.
Then $\tau_p$ is a topology called the particular point topology on $S$ by $p$, or just a particular point topology.
Pages in category "Definitions/Particular Point Topology"
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.