Category:Dipper Semigroups
This category contains results about Dipper Semigroups.
Definitions specific to this category can be found in Definitions/Dipper Semigroups.
Let $m \in \N$ be a natural number.
Let $n \in \N_{>0}$ be a non-zero natural number.
Let $\N_{< \paren {m \mathop + n} }$ denote the initial segment of the natural numbers:
- $\N_{< \paren {m \mathop + n} } := \set {0, 1, \ldots, m + n - 1}$
Definition 1
Let $+_{m, n}$ be the dipper operation on $\N_{< \paren {m \mathop + n} }$:
- $\forall a, b \in \N_{< \paren {m \mathop + n} }: a +_{m, n} b = \begin{cases} a + b & : a + b < m \\ a + b - k n & : a + b \ge m \end{cases}$
where $k$ is the largest integer satisfying:
- $m + k n \le a + b$
A dipper (semigroup) is a semigroup which is isomorphic to the algebraic structure $\struct {N_{< \paren {m \mathop + n} }, +_{m, n} }$.
Definition 2
Let $\RR_{m, n}$ be the dipper relation on $\N$:
- $\forall x, y \in \N: x \mathrel {\RR_{m, n} } y \iff \begin {cases} x = y \\ m \le x < y \text { and } n \divides \paren {y - x} \\ m \le y < x \text { and } n \divides \paren {x - y} \end {cases}$
Let $\map D {m, n} := \N / \RR_{m, n}$ be the quotient set of $\N$ induced by $\RR_{m, n}$.
Let $\oplus_{m, n}$ be the operation induced on $\map D {m, n}$ by addition on $\N$.
A dipper (semigroup) is a semigroup which is isomorphic to the algebraic structure $\struct {\map D {m, n}, \oplus_{m, n} }$.
This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Pages in category "Dipper Semigroups"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.