Category:Duality Principle (Category Theory)

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This category contains pages concerning Duality Principle (Category Theory):

Formal Duality

Morphisms-Only Category Theory

Let $\Sigma$ be a statement in the language of category theory.

Suppose $\Sigma$ is provable from the axioms for morphisms-only category theory $\mathrm{MOCT}$:

$\mathrm{MOCT} \vdash \Sigma$

Then the dual statement $\Sigma^*$ is also provable from these axioms, i.e.:

$\mathrm{MOCT} \vdash \Sigma^*$

Object Category Theory

Let $\mathrm{CT}$ be the collection of seven axioms on Characterization of Metacategory via Equations.

Suppose a statement $\Sigma$ about metacategories follows from the axioms $\mathrm{CT}$.

Then so does its dual statement $\Sigma^*$.

Conceptual Duality

Let $\Sigma$ be a statement about metacategories, be it in natural language or otherwise.

Suppose that $\Sigma$ holds for all metacategories.

Then so does its dual statement $\Sigma^*$.

Pages in category "Duality Principle (Category Theory)"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.