Category:Examples of Flow Charts

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This category contains examples of Flow Chart.

A flow chart is a graphical depiction of an algorithm in which the steps are depicted in the form of boxes connected together by arrows.

Let $F$ and $P$ be sets.

Let $C = \struct {V, E}$ be a finite digraph.

Let $V$ be divided into pairwise disjoint sets $\tuple {V_F, V_P, V_J, V_I, V_O}$.

These are assigned specific terms:

$V_F$ are the functional boxes
$V_P$ are the predicative boxes
$V_J$ are the junctions
$V_I$ are the entry points
$V_O$ are the exit points

Let each $b \in V_F$ be assigned a unique $F_b \in F$, and each $b \in V_P$ be assigned a unique $P_b \in P$.


Each $b \in V_F$ has in-degree $1$ and out-degree $1$.
Each $b \in V_P$ has in-degree $1$ and out-degree $2$.
Additionally, exactly one arc incident from $b$ is assigned the label $\top$, and the other is assigned the label $\bot$.
Each $b \in V_J$ has in-degree $2$ and out-degree $1$.
Each $b \in V_I$ has in-degree $0$ and out-degree $1$.
Each $b \in V_O$ has in-degree $1$ and out-degree $0$.

Let $i = \size {V_I}$ and $j = \size {V_O}$.

Then, $C$ is an $\tuple {i, j}$-flow chart on $F$ and $P$.

Pages in category "Examples of Flow Charts"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.