Category:Examples of Order Type Addition

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This category contains examples of Addition of Order Types.

Let $\struct {S_1, \preccurlyeq_1}$ and $\struct {S_2, \preccurlyeq_2}$ be ordered sets.

Let $\alpha := \map \ot {S_1, \preccurlyeq_1}$ and $\beta := \map \ot {S_2, \preccurlyeq_2}$ denote the order types of $\struct {S_1, \preccurlyeq_1}$ and $\struct {S_2, \preccurlyeq_2}$ respectively.

Let $\alpha + \beta$ be defined as:

$\alpha + \beta:= \map \ot {\struct {S_1, \preccurlyeq_1} \oplus \struct {S_2, \preccurlyeq_2} }$

where $\oplus$ denotes the order sum operator.

The operation $+$ is known as order type addition or addition of order types.

Pages in category "Examples of Order Type Addition"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.