Category:Gaussian Binomial Coefficients

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This category contains results about Gaussian Binomial Coefficients.

Let $q \in \R_{\ne 1}$, $r \in \R$, $m \in \Z_{\ge 0}$.

The Gaussian binomial coefficient is an extension of the more conventional binomial coefficient as follows:

\(\ds \binom r m_q\) \(:=\) \(\ds \prod_{k \mathop = 0}^{m - 1} \dfrac {1 - q^{r - k} } {1 - q^{k + 1} }\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \dfrac {\paren {1 - q^r} \paren {1 - q^{r - 1} } \cdots \paren {1 - q^{r - m + 1} } } {\paren {1 - q^m} \paren {1 - q^{m - 1} } \cdots \paren {1 - q^1} }\)