Category:Geometry of Complex Plane

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This category contains results about Geometry of Complex Plane.

Because a complex number can be expressed as an ordered pair, we can plot the number $x + i y$ on the real number plane $\R^2$:


This representation is known as the complex plane.

Real Axis

Complex numbers of the form $\tuple {x, 0}$, being wholly real, appear as points on the $x$-axis.

Hence the $x$-axis of the complex plane is known as the real axis.

Imaginary Axis

Complex numbers of the form $\tuple {0, y}$, being wholly imaginary, appear as points on the points on the $y$-axis.

Hence the $y$-axis of the complex plane is known as the imaginary axis.

Pages in category "Geometry of Complex Plane"

The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total.