Category:Higher-Aleph Complement Topology

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This category contains results about Higher-Aleph Complement Topology.

Let $S$ be a set whose cardinality is $\aleph_n$ where $n > 0$.

Let $\tau \subseteq \powerset S$ be the set of subsets of $S$ defined as:

$\tau = \set {U \subseteq S: \size {\relcomp S U} = \aleph_m: m < n} \cup \set {U \subseteq S: \relcomp S U \text { is finite} } \cup \O$

That is, $\tau$ is the set of subsets of $S$ whose complements relative to $S$ are of a cardinality strictly less than $S$.

Then $\tau$ is an $\aleph_m$ complement topology on $S$, and the topological space $T = \struct {S, \tau}$ is an $\aleph_m$ complement space.

This construction is an extension of the concept of the finite complement topology and the countable complement topology.

Pages in category "Higher-Aleph Complement Topology"

This category contains only the following page.