Category:Primitives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

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This category contains results about Primitives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions.

Let $F$ be a real function which is continuous on the closed interval $\closedint a b$ and differentiable on the open interval $\openint a b$.

Let $f$ be a real function which is continuous on the open interval $\openint a b$.


$\forall x \in \openint a b: \map {F'} x = \map f x$

where $F'$ denotes the derivative of $F$ with respect to $x$.

Then $F$ is a primitive of $f$, and is denoted:

$\ds F = \int \map f x \rd x$

Pages in category "Primitives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions"

This category contains only the following page.