Compactness Theorem for Boolean Interpretations

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Let $\mathbf H$ be a countable set of WFFs of propositional logic.

Suppose $\mathbf H$ is finitely satisfiable for boolean interpretations.

That is, suppose that every finite subset $\mathbf H' \subseteq \mathbf H$ is satisfiable for boolean interpretations.

Then $\mathbf H$ has a model.

Proof 1

Suppose $\mathbf H$ does not have a model.

By the Main Lemma of Propositional Tableaus, $\mathbf H$ has a tableau confutation $T$.

By Tableau Confutation contains Finite Tableau Confutation, $T$ may be assumed to be finite.

Hence the set $\mathbf H'$ of all WFFs in $\mathbf H$ used somewhere in $T$ is finite.

Now, let $T'$ be the labeled tree which is the same as $T$ but with root $\mathbf H'$ instead of $\mathbf H$.

Then $T'$ is a tableau confutation of $\mathbf H'$.

By the Tableau Confutation implies Unsatisfiable, $\mathbf H'$ has no models.

But this contradicts the assumption that all finite subsets of $\mathbf H$ have models.

Hence the result.


Proof 2

If $\mathbf H$ is finite, the result is trivial.

So let $\mathbf H = \set {\mathbf A_n: n \in \N}$ be an enumeration of $\mathbf H$.

Define $\mathbf H_m = \set {\mathbf A_n: n \le m}$.

Let $T_1$ be the propositional tableau consisting of only a root node with hypothesis set $\mathbf H_1$.

For each $m \in \N$, construct $T_{m + 1}$ from $T_m$ by applying the Tableau Extension Lemma to $\mathbf H_{m + 1}$.

This provides us with a sequence $\sequence {T_m}_{m \mathop \in \N}$ of finished propositional tableaus.

The $T_m$ form an exhausting sequence of sets for the infinite propositional tableau $\ds T = \bigcup_{m \mathop = 1}^\infty T_m$.

If $T$ has a finished branch $\Gamma$, then by Finished Branch Lemma: Corollary:

$\Phi \sqbrk \Gamma$ is satisfiable

and hence $\mathbf H$ is satisfiable (since $\mathbf H \subseteq \Phi \sqbrk \Gamma$).

Suppose $T$ has no finite finished branches.

Let $T'$ be the subtree of $T$ given by:

$t \in T'$ if and only if $t$ is on a finished branch $\Gamma_m$ of every $T_m$ such that $t \in T_m$

Suppose the root node $r_T$ of $T$ were not in $T'$.

Then for some $T_m$, $r_T$ would not be on a finished branch of $T_m$.

But since $T_m$ is finished, every branch of $T_m$ is finished or contradictory.

Hence every branch of $T_m$ is contradictory.

But then $T_m$ is a tableau confutation of $\mathbf H_m$.

By Tableau Confutation implies Unsatisfiable, this contradicts the assumption that $\mathbf H_m$ is satisfiable.

Therefore, $r_T$ is in $T'$.

Suppose $T'$ were finite.

Let $t$ be a leaf of $T'$, which exists by Finite Tree has Leaf Nodes.

Suppose $t$ were a leaf of $T$.

Then $\Gamma_t$, the branch of $T$ identified by Leaf of Rooted Tree is on One Branch, is finished.

For, as any $T_m$ is a subtree of $T$, $\Gamma_t$ is the only branch of $T_m$ such that $t \in \Gamma_t$.

The conclusion follows from the definition of $T'$.

But then $\Gamma_t$ would be a finite finished branch of $T$, a contradiction.

Therefore, $T'$ cannot be finite.

Hence, $T'$ is a finitely branching tree.

By König's Tree Lemma, $T'$ has an infinite branch $\Gamma$.

By definition of $T'$, the branch $\Gamma_m := \Gamma \cap T_m$ of $T_m$ is finished for each $m \in \N$.

If $\Gamma$ were contradictory, then $\mathbf A \in \Gamma$ and $\neg\mathbf A \in \Gamma$ for some WFF $\mathbf A$.

But then $\mathbf A, \neg \mathbf A \in \Gamma_m$ for some $m \in \N$, contradicting that $\Gamma_m$ is finished.

Also, if $\mathbf A$ occurs on $\Gamma$, then it occurs on some $\Gamma_m$.

Since $\Gamma_m$ is finished, it follows that $\mathbf A$ is used on $\Gamma_m$, and hence on $\Gamma$.

In conclusion, $\Gamma$ is finished.

As established above, it follows that $\mathbf H$ is satisfiable for boolean interpretations.


Also known as

This result is also known as the Compactness Theorem of Propositional Logic, but as there are multiple semantics for propositional logic, this name is too general to be used on $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$.
