Complex Numbers cannot be Ordered Compatibly with Ring Structure/Proof 1

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Let $\struct {\C, +, \times}$ be the field of complex numbers.

There exists no total ordering on $\struct {\C, +, \times}$ which is compatible with the structure of $\struct {\C, +, \times}$.


Aiming for a contradiction, suppose there exists a relation $\preceq$ on $\C$ which is ordering compatible with the ring structure of $\C$.

That is:

$(1): \quad z \ne 0 \implies 0 \prec z \lor z \prec 0$, but not both
$(2): \quad 0 \prec z_1, z_2 \implies 0 \prec z_1 z_2 \land 0 \prec z_1 + z_2$

By Totally Ordered Ring Zero Precedes Element or its Inverse, $(1)$ can be replaced with:

$(1'): \quad z \ne 0 \implies 0 \prec z \lor 0 \prec -z$, but not both.

As $i \ne 0$, it follows that:

$0 \prec i$ or $0 \prec -i$

Suppose $0 \prec i$.


\(\ds 0\) \(\prec\) \(\ds i \times i\) from $(2)$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds -1\) Definition 1 of Complex Number

Otherwise, suppose $0 \prec \paren {-i}$.


\(\ds 0\) \(\prec\) \(\ds \paren {-i} \times \paren {-i}\) from $(2)$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds -1\) Definition 1 of Complex Number

Thus by Proof by Cases:

$0 \prec -1$

Thus it follows that:

\(\ds 0\) \(\prec\) \(\ds \paren {-1} \times \paren {-1}\) from $(2)$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds 1\)

Thus both:

$0 \prec -1$


$0 \prec 1$

This contradicts hypothesis $(1')$:

$(1): \quad z \ne 0 \implies 0 \prec z \lor 0 \prec -z$, but not both

Hence, by Proof by Contradiction, there can be no such ordering.


Historical Note

The fact that Complex Numbers cannot be Ordered Compatibly with Ring Structure was realized by Leonhard Paul Euler.