Cut Associated with 1 is Identity for Multiplication of Cuts
Let $\alpha$ be a cut.
Let $1^*$ denote the rational cut (rational) number $1$.
- $\alpha 1^* = \alpha$
where $\alpha 1^*$ denote the product of $\alpha$ and $1^*$.
By definition, we have that:
- $\alpha \beta := \begin {cases}
\size \alpha \, \size \beta & : \alpha \ge 0^*, \beta \ge 0^* \\ -\paren {\size \alpha \, \size \beta} & : \alpha < 0^*, \beta \ge 0^* \\ -\paren {\size \alpha \, \size \beta} & : \alpha \ge 0^*, \beta < 0^* \\ \size \alpha \, \size \beta & : \alpha < 0^*, \beta < 0^* \end {cases}$ where:
- $\size \alpha$ denotes the absolute value of $\alpha$
- $\size \alpha \, \size \beta$ is defined as in Multiplication of Positive Cuts
- $0^*$ denotes the rational cut associated with the (rational) number $0$.
- $\ge$ denotes the ordering on cuts.
We have that:
- $0 < \dfrac 1 2 < 1$
and so:
- $\dfrac 1 2 \notin 0^*$
- $\dfrac 1 2 \in 1^*$
Thus by definition of the strict ordering of cuts:
- $1^* > 0^*$
Thus by definition of absolute value of $\alpha$:
- $\size {1^*} = 1^*$
- $\alpha 1^* := \begin {cases}
\size \alpha \, 1^* & : \alpha \ge 0^* \\ -\paren {\size \alpha \, 1^*} & : \alpha < 0^* \end {cases}$
Let $\alpha > 0^*$.
Let $r \in \alpha 1^*$.
Then by definition of Multiplication of Positive Cuts, either:
- $r < 0$
- $\exists p \in \beta, q \in 1^*: r = p q$
where $p \ge 0$ and $q \ge 0$.
Because $0 \le q < 1$ it follows that $p q < p$.
Thus if $r > 0$ it follows that $r < p$.
That is:
- $r \in \alpha$
If $r < 0$ then $r \in \alpha$ because $0^* < \alpha$.
Thus in either case $r \in \alpha$.
That is:
- $\alpha 1^* \le \alpha$
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- 1964: Walter Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis (2nd ed.) ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $1$: The Real and Complex Number Systems: Dedekind Cuts: $1.26$. Theorem $\text {(f)}$