De Moivre's Formula/Positive Integer Index/Corollary/Proof 1

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Corollary to De Moivre's Formula: Positive Integer Index

$\forall n \in \Z_{>0}: \paren {\cos x + i \sin x}^n = \map \cos {n x} + i \map \sin {n x}$


$\cos x + i \sin x$ is a complex number expressed in polar form $\left\langle{r, \theta}\right\rangle$ whose complex modulus is $1$ and whose argument is $x$.

From De Moivre's Formula: Positive Integer Index:

$\forall n \in \Z_{>0}: \left({r \left({\cos x + i \sin x}\right)}\right)^n = r^n \left({\cos \left({n x}\right) + i \sin \left({n x}\right)}\right)$

The result follows by setting $r = 1$.


Source of Name

This entry was named for Abraham de Moivre.
