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Let $G = \struct {V, A}$ be a digraph.

Let $r \in V$.

Definition 1

$G$ is an arborescence of root $r$ if and only if:

For each $v \in V$ there is exactly one directed walk from $r$ to $v$.

Definition 2

$G$ is an arborescence of root $r$ if and only if:

$(1): \quad$ $G$ is an orientation of a tree
$(2): \quad$ For each $v \in V$, $v$ is reachable from $r$.

Definition 3

$G$ is an arborescence of root $r$ if and only if:

$(1): \quad$ Each vertex $v \ne r$ is the final vertex of exactly one arc
$(2): \quad$ $r$ is not the final vertex of any arc
$(3): \quad$ For each $v \in V$ such that $v \ne r$ there is a directed walk from $r$ to $v$.

Definition 4

$G$ is an arborescence of root $r$ if and only if:

$(1): \quad$ Each vertex $v \ne r$ has exactly one predecessor
$(2): \quad$ $r$ has no predecessors
$(3): \quad$ For each $v \in V$ such that $v \ne r$ there is a path from $r$ to $v$.

Root of Arborescence

The distinguished vertex $r$ of $G$ is known as the root of (the arborescence) $G$.

Also known as

An arborescence of root $r$ can be referred to as an an $r$-arborescence, or just an arborescence.

Various sources use different terms, for example:

Also defined as

Variants of the definitions can be found, as follows:


English Sentence

The parsing structure of a sentence in English can be presented as an arborescence in the following format:

$\begin {xy} \xymatrix@L + 2mu@ + 1em {

& & & \meta {sentence} \ar[dl] \ar[dr] \\ & & \meta {subject} \ar[d] & & \meta {predicate} \ar[dr] \\ & & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] & & & \meta {verb \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] \\ & \meta {adjective} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] & & \meta {verb} \ar[dl] & \meta {adverbial \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] \\ \mathtt {the} & \meta {adjective} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] & \mathtt {jumps} & \meta {preposition} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d] \\ \mathtt {quick} & \meta {adjective} \ar[d] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[d] & \mathtt {over} & \meta {adjective} \ar[dl] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[dl] \ar[d]\\ & \mathtt {brown} & \meta {noun} \ar[d] & \mathtt {the} & \meta {adjective} \ar[d] & \meta {noun \ phrase} \ar[d]\\ & & \mathtt {fox} & & \mathtt {lazy} & \meta {noun} \ar[d] \\ & & & & & \mathtt {dog} } \end {xy}$

Also see

  • Results about arborescences can be found here.