Definition:Base of Geometric Figure

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The base of a geometric figure is a specific part of that figure which is distinguished from the remainder of that figure and placed (actually or figuratively) at the bottom of a depiction or visualisation.

In some cases the base is truly qualitiatively different from the rest of the figure.

In other cases the base is selected arbitrarily as one of several parts of the figure which may equally well be so chosen.

Base of Polygon

For a given polygon, any one of its sides may be temporarily distinguished from the others, and referred to as the base.

It is immaterial which is so chosen.

The usual practice is that the polygon is drawn so that the base is made horizontal, and at the bottom.

Base of Segment of Circle


The base of a segment of a circle is the straight line forming one of the boundaries of the seqment.

In the above diagram, $AB$ is the base of the highlighted segment.

Base of Solid Figure

The base of a solid figure is one of its faces which has been distinguished from the others in some way.

The solid figure is usually oriented so that the base is situated at the bottom.

Also see

  • Results about bases of geometric figures can be found here.
