Definition:Beatty Sequence

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Let $x$ be an irrational number.

The Beatty sequence on $x$ is the integer sequence $\BB_x$ defined as:

$\BB_x := \sequence{\floor{n x} }_{n \mathop \in \Z_{\ge 0} }$

That is, the terms are the floors of the successive integer multiples of $x$.

Complementary Beatty Sequence

Let $\BB_x$ be the Beatty sequence on $x$.

The complementary Beatty sequence on $x$ is the integer sequence formed by the integers which are missing from $\BB_x$.

Also known as

A Beatty sequence is also known as a homogeneous Beatty sequence, to distinguish it specifically from a non-homogeneous Beatty sequence

Also see

Source of Name

This entry was named for Samuel Beatty.
