Definition:Bell Number

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The Bell Numbers $B_n$ are a sequence of natural numbers defined as the number of ways a set with $n$ elements can be partitioned.

Sequence of Bell Numbers

The sequence of Bell numbers begins:

$(1), 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203, 877, 4140, 21 \, 147, \ldots$

where the first $(1)$ is the zeroth Bell number $B_0$.


Example: $B_2$

From the definition of Bell number, $B_2$ is the number of ways a set with $2$ elements can be partitioned.

$\set {a, b}$
$\set {\set a, \set b}$
$B_2 = 2$

Example: $B_3$

From the definition of Bell number, $B_3$ is the number of ways a set with $3$ elements can be partitioned.

$\set {a, b, c}$
$\set {\set a, \set {b, c} }$
$\set {\set b, \set {a, c} }$
$\set {\set c, \set {a, b} }$
$\set {\set a, \set b, \set c}$
$B_3 = 5$

Also see

  • Results about Bell numbers can be found here.

Source of Name

This entry was named for Eric Temple Bell.