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A pair of properties is described as disjoint if and only if each one can't happen if the other holds.

Disjoint Sets

In the context of set theory:

Two sets $S$ and $T$ are disjoint if and only if:

$S \cap T = \O$

That is, disjoint sets are sets such that their intersection is the empty set -- they have no elements in common.

Disjoint Events

In the context of probability theory:

Let $A$ and $B$ be events in a probability space.

Then $A$ and $B$ are disjoint if and only if:

$A \cap B = \O$

It follows by definition of probability measure that $A$ and $B$ are disjoint if and only if:

$\map \Pr {A \cap B} = 0$

Disjoint Permutations

In the context of permutation theory:

Let $S_n$ denote the symmetric group on $n$ letters.

Let $\pi, \rho \in S_n$ both be permutations on $S_n$.

Then $\pi$ and $\rho$ are disjoint if and only if:

$(1): \quad i \notin \Fix \pi \implies i \in \Fix \rho$
$(2): \quad i \notin \Fix \rho \implies i \in \Fix \pi$

That is, each element moved by $\pi$ is fixed by $\rho$ and (equivalently) each element moved by $\rho$ is fixed by $\pi$.

That is, if and only if their supports are disjoint sets.

Also known as

Objects that are disjoint are also referred to as being mutually exclusive.

Also see

  • Results about disjoint can be found here.
