Definition:Dual Statement (Category Theory)

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Morphisms-Only Category Theory

Let $\Sigma$ be a statement in the language of category theory.

The dual statement $\Sigma^*$ of $\Sigma$ is the statement obtained from substituting:

\(\ds R_\circ \tuple {y, x, z}\) \(\) for \(\) \(\ds R_\circ \tuple {x, y, z}\)
\(\ds \operatorname {Dom}\) \(\) for \(\) \(\ds \operatorname {Cdm}\)
\(\ds \operatorname {Cdm}\) \(\) for \(\) \(\ds \operatorname {Dom}\)

Object Category Theory

In the more convenient description of metacategories by using objects, the dual statement $\Sigma^*$ of $\Sigma$ then becomes the statement obtained from substituting:

\(\ds f \circ g\) \(\) for \(\) \(\ds g \circ f\)
\(\ds \operatorname {Cdm}\) \(\) for \(\) \(\ds \operatorname {Dom}\)
\(\ds \operatorname {Dom}\) \(\) for \(\) \(\ds \operatorname {Cdm}\)


For example, if $\Sigma$ is the statement:

$\exists g: g \circ f = \operatorname{id}_{\Dom f}$

describing that $f$ is a split mono, then $\Sigma^*$ becomes:

$\exists g: f \circ g = \operatorname{id}_{\Cdm f}$

which precisely expresses $f$ to be a split epi.

For a set $\EE$ of statements, write:

$\EE^* := \set {\Sigma^*: \Sigma \in \EE}$

for the set comprising of the dual statement of those in $\EE$.

Also see
