Definition:Subtraction/Complex Numbers

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Let $\struct {\C, +, \times}$ be the field of complex numbers.

The operation of subtraction is defined on $\C$ as:

$\forall a, b \in \C: a - b := a + \paren {-b}$

where $-b$ is the negative of $b$ in $\C$.


Example: $\paren {8 - 6 i} - \paren {2 i - 7}$

$\paren {8 - 6 i} - \paren {2 i - 7} = 15 - 8 i$

Example: $\paren {6 - 2 i} - \paren {2 - 5 i}$

$\paren {6 - 2 i} - \paren {2 - 5 i} = 4 + 3 i$

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