Definition:Semi-Eulerian Graph

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A graph is called semi-Eulerian if and only if it contains an Eulerian trail.

Note that the definition of graph here includes:

Note that an Eulerian graph is also semi-Eulerian, as an Eulerian circuit is still a path, and therefore an Eulerian trail.


Arbitrary Example

The following is a semi-Eulerian graph:


An example of an Eulerian trail is:

$A \to B \to C \to D \to E \to B \to C \to A \to E$

Also known as

A semi-Eulerian graph is also called a traversable graph.

Some sources have transversable graph but it is suspected that this is a mistake.

Also see

  • Results about semi-Eulerian graphs can be found here.

Source of Name

This entry was named for Leonhard Paul Euler.
