Delambre's Analogies/Sine by Sine

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Delambre's Analogies

Let $\triangle ABC$ be a spherical triangle on the surface of a sphere whose center is $O$.

Let the sides $a, b, c$ of $\triangle ABC$ be measured by the angles subtended at $O$, where $a, b, c$ are opposite $A, B, C$ respectively.


$\sin \dfrac c 2 \sin \dfrac {A - B} 2 = \cos \dfrac C 2 \sin \dfrac {a - b} 2$


In the below, we have:

$s = \dfrac {a + b + c} 2$


\(\ds \sin \frac c 2 \sin \dfrac {A - B} 2\) \(=\) \(\ds \sin \frac c 2 \paren {\sin \dfrac A 2 \cos \dfrac B 2 - \cos \dfrac A 2 \sin \dfrac B 2}\) Sine of Difference
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sin \frac c 2 \paren {\sqrt {\dfrac {\map \sin {s - b} \, \map \sin {s - c} } {\sin b \sin c} } \sqrt {\dfrac {\sin s \, \map \sin {s - b} } {\sin a \sin c} } - \sqrt {\dfrac {\sin s \, \map \sin {s - a} } {\sin b \sin c} } \sqrt {\dfrac {\map \sin {s - a} \, \map \sin {s - c} } {\sin a \sin c} } }\) Sine of Half Angle for Spherical Triangles, Cosine of Half Angle for Spherical Triangles
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sin \frac c 2 \paren {\dfrac {\map \sin {s - b} } {\sin c} \sqrt {\dfrac {\sin s \, \map \sin {s - c} } {\sin a \sin b} } - \dfrac {\map \sin {s - a} } {\sin c} \sqrt {\dfrac {\sin s \, \map \sin {s - c} } {\sin a \sin b} } }\) simplifying
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sin \frac c 2 \cos \dfrac C 2 \paren {\dfrac {\map \sin {s - b} } {\sin c} - \dfrac {\map \sin {s - a} } {\sin c} }\) Cosine of Half Angle for Spherical Triangles
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \dfrac {\sin \frac c 2} {\sin c} \cos \dfrac C 2 \paren {\map \sin {\dfrac {a - b + c} 2} - \map \sin {\dfrac {-a + b + c} 2} }\) Definition of $s$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \dfrac {\sin \frac c 2} {\sin c} \cos \dfrac C 2 \paren {2 \, \map \cos {\dfrac {a - b + c - a + b + c} 4} \, \map \sin {\dfrac {a - b + c + a - b - c} 4} }\) Sine minus Sine
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \dfrac {\sin \frac c 2} {\sin c} \cos \dfrac C 2 \paren {2 \, \map \cos {\dfrac c 2} \, \map \sin {\dfrac {a - b} 2} }\) simplifying
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \dfrac {2 \sin \frac c 2 \cos {\frac c 2} } {2 \sin \frac c 2 \cos \frac c 2} \, \cos \dfrac C 2 \, \map \sin {\dfrac {a - b} 2}\) Double Angle Formula for Sine
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \cos \dfrac C 2 \, \map \sin {\dfrac {a - b} 2}\) simplifying


Also known as

Delambre's Analogies are also known as Gauss's Formulas, or Gauss's Formulae.

However, there are so many results and theorems named for Carl Friedrich Gauss that $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ prefers to settle for Delambre.

The names of the individual formulas are not standard, but $\mathsf{Pr} \infty \mathsf{fWiki}$ needs some way to distinguish between them. Any advice on this matter is welcome.

Also see

Source of Name

This entry was named for Jean Baptiste Joseph Delambre.
