Distance from Point to Subset is Continuous Function

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Let $M = \struct {X, d}$ be a metric space.

Let $A \subseteq X$ be a non-empty subset of $X$.

Let $f: X \to \R$ be the function defined as:

$\forall x \in X: \map f x = \map d {x, A}$

where $\map d {x, A}$ denotes the distance from $x$ to $A$.

Then $f$ is continuous.


$\forall x, y \in X, \forall z \in A$, by the definition of the distance from $x$ to $A$, we have:

$\map d {x, A} \le \map d {x, z} \le \map d {x, y} + \map d {y, z}$

From Triangle Inequality on Distance from Point to Subset:

$\map d {x, A} \le \map d {x, y} + \map d {y, A}$


$\map d {y, A} \le \map d {x, y} + \map d {x, A}$


$\norm {\map d {x, A} - \map d {y, A} } \le \map d {x, y}$

We can conclude that $f$ is continuous.

