Equation of Straight Line in Plane/Normal Form/Polar Form

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Let $\LL$ be a straight line such that:

the perpendicular distance from $\LL$ to the origin is $p$
the angle made between that perpendicular and the $x$-axis is $\alpha$.

Let $\LL$ be defined in normal form:

$x \cos \alpha + y \sin \alpha = p$

Then $\LL$ can be presented in polar coordinates as:

$r \map \cos {\theta - \alpha} = p$


Let $O$ be the origin of the Cartesian plane and the pole of the corresponding polar frame.

Let $OX$ denote the polar axis, coincident with the $x$-axis.

Let $P$ be an arbitrary point on $\LL$, expressed in polar coordinates as $\polar {r, \theta}$.

Let $N$ be the point on $\LL$ where the normal to $\LL$ intersects $\LL$.

We have that $OP$ is at an angle $\theta$ to $OX$ and is of length $r$.

We have that $ON$ is at an angle $\alpha$ to $OX$ and is of length $p$.

Hence $\angle NOP = \theta = \alpha$.

We also have that $\angle ONP$ is a right angle.


$p = r \map \cos {\theta - \alpha}$

