Equivalence Relation on Integers Modulo 5 induced by Squaring/Multiplication Modulo Beta is Well-Defined

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Let $\beta$ denote the relation defined on the integers $\Z$ by:

$\forall x, y \in \Z: x \mathrel \beta y \iff x^2 \equiv y^2 \pmod 5$

We have that $\beta$ is an equivalence relation.

Let the $\times_\beta$ operator ("multiplication") on the $\beta$-equivalence classes be defined as:

$\eqclass a \beta \times_\beta \eqclass b \beta := \eqclass {a \times b} \beta$

Then such an operation is well-defined.


That $\beta$ is an equivalence relation is proved in Equivalence Relation on Integers Modulo 5 induced by Squaring.


\(\ds x, x'\) \(\in\) \(\ds \eqclass x \beta\)
\(\ds y, y'\) \(\in\) \(\ds \eqclass y \beta\)

We have:

\(\ds x^2\) \(\equiv\) \(\ds \paren {x'}^2\) \(\ds \pmod 5\)
\(\ds y^2\) \(\equiv\) \(\ds \paren {y'}^2\) \(\ds \pmod 5\)
\(\ds \leadsto \ \ \) \(\ds \paren {x y}^2\) \(\equiv\) \(\ds \paren {x' y'}^2\) \(\ds \pmod 5\)

Hence the result.

