Equivalence of Definitions of Odd-Times Odd Integer

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The following definitions of the concept of Odd-Times Odd Integer are equivalent:

Definition 1

$n$ is odd-times odd if and only if it is an odd number greater than $1$ which is not prime.

Definition 2

$n$ is odd-times odd if and only if there exist odd numbers $x, y > 1$ such that $n = x y$.


$(1)$ implies $(2)$

Let $n$ be an odd-times odd integer by definition 1.

Then by definition:

$n > 1$
$n$ is not prime.


$n = r s$

where $1 < r < p$ and $1 < s < p$.

As $n$ is odd:

$2 \nmid n$

and so:

$2 \nmid r$


$2 \nmid s$

So both $r$ and $s$ are odd integers greater than $1$ such that $n = r s$.

Thus $n$ is an odd-times odd integer by definition 2.


$(2)$ implies $(1)$

Let $n$ be an odd-times odd integer by definition 2.

Then by definition:

$n = r s$

where $r > 1, s > 1$ are odd integers.

Thus $n$ is not prime by definition.

As $r$ and $s$ are odd:

$2 \nmid r$


$2 \nmid s$

and so:

$2 \nmid r s$

So $n = r s$ is odd.

As $r > 1$ and $s > 1$ it follows from Divisor Relation on Positive Integers is Partial Ordering that $n > 1$.

Thus $n$ is an odd-times odd integer by definition 1.
