Equivalence of Definitions of Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind

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The following definitions of the concept of Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind are equivalent:

Definition 1

Stirling numbers of the second kind are defined recursively by:

$\ds {n \brace k} := \begin{cases}

\delta_{n k} & : k = 0 \text{ or } n = 0 \\ & \\ \ds {n - 1 \brace k - 1} + k {n - 1 \brace k} & : \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}$

Definition 2

Stirling numbers of the second kind are defined as the coefficients $\ds {n \brace k}$ which satisfy the equation:

$\ds x^n = \sum_k {n \brace k} x^{\underline k}$

where $x^{\underline k}$ denotes the $k$th falling factorial of $x$.

in the sense that the coefficients of the falling factorial powers in the summand are uniquely defined by the given recurrence relation.


The proof proceeds by induction.

For all $n \in \N_{> 0}$, let $\map P n$ be the proposition:

the coefficients of the falling factorial powers in the expression $\ds x^n = \sum_k {n \brace k} x^{\underline k}$ are uniquely defined by $\ds {n \brace k} = {n - 1 \brace k - 1} + k {n - 1 \brace k}$

where $\ds {n \brace k} = \delta_{n k}$ where $k = 0$ or $n = 0$.

First the case where $n = 0$ is attended to.

We have:

\(\ds x^0\) \(=\) \(\ds 1\) Definition of Integer Power
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds x^{\underline 0}\) Number to Power of Zero Falling is One
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k \delta_{0 k} x^{\underline k}\) Definition of Kronecker Delta

Thus, in the expression:

$\ds x^0 = \sum_k {0 \brace k} x^{\underline k}$

we have:

$\ds {0 \brace 0} = 1$

and for all $k \in \Z_{>0}$:

$\ds {0 \brace k} = 0$

That is:

$\ds {0 \brace k} = \delta_{0 k}$

Hence the result holds for $n = 0$.

Basis for the Induction

$\map P 1$ is the case:

We have:

\(\ds x^1\) \(=\) \(\ds x\) Definition of Integer Power
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds x^{\underline 1}\) Number to Power of One Falling is Itself
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k \delta_{1 k} x^{\underline k}\) Definition of Kronecker Delta


\(\ds {1 \brace k}\) \(=\) \(\ds {0 \brace k - 1} + k {0 \brace k}\) by hypothesis
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \delta_{0 \paren {k - 1} } + k \delta_{0 k}\) by hypothesis
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \delta_{0 \paren {k - 1} }\) as $k \delta_{0 k} = 0$ for all $k$
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \delta_{1 k}\)

Thus, in the expression:

$\ds x^1 = \sum_k {1 \brace k} x^{\underline k}$

we have:

$\ds {1 \brace 1} = 1$

and for all $k \in \Z$ where $k \ne 1$:

$\ds {1 \brace k} = 0$

That is:

$\ds {1 \brace k} = \delta_{1 k}$

Thus $\map P 1$ is seen to hold.

This is the basis for the induction.

Induction Hypothesis

Now it needs to be shown that, if $\map P r$ is true, where $r \ge 1$, then it logically follows that $\map P {r + 1}$ is true.

So this is the induction hypothesis:

The coefficients in the expression $\ds x^r = \sum_k {r \brace k} x^{\underline k}$ are uniquely defined by $\ds {r \brace k} = {r - 1 \brace k - 1} + k {r - 1 \brace k}$

from which it is to be shown that:

The coefficients in the expression $\ds x^{r + 1} = \sum_k {r + 1 \brace k} x^{\underline k}$ are uniquely defined by $\ds {r + 1 \brace k} = {r \brace k - 1} + k {r \brace k}$

Induction Step

This is the induction step:

Anticipating the expected result, we use $\ds {r + 1 \brace k}$ to denote the coefficients of the $k$th falling factorial power in the expansion of $x^{r + 1}$.


\(\ds x^{r + 1}\) \(=\) \(\ds x x^r\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds x \paren {\sum_k {r \brace k} x^{\underline k} }\) Induction Hypothesis
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k {r \brace k} x x^{\underline k}\) $x$ is constant in this context
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k {r \brace k} \paren {x^{\underline {k + 1} } + k x^{\underline k} }\) Product of Number by its Falling Factorial
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k {r \brace k} x^{\underline {k + 1} } + \sum_k {r \brace k} k x^{\underline k}\) Sum of Summations equals Summation of Sum
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k {r \brace k - 1} x^{\underline k} + \sum_k {r \brace k} k x^{\underline k}\) Translation of Index Variable of Summation
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k \paren { {r \brace k - 1} x^{\underline k} + {r \brace k} k x^{\underline k} }\) Sum of Summations equals Summation of Sum
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_k \paren { {r \brace k - 1} + k {r \brace k} } x^{\underline k}\)

Thus the coefficients of the falling factorial powers are defined by the recurrence relation:

$\ds {r + 1 \brace k} = {r \brace k - 1} + k {r \brace k}$

as required.

So $\map P r \implies \map P {r + 1}$ and the result follows by the Principle of Mathematical Induction.


for all $n \in \Z_{\ge 0}$, the coefficients of the falling factorial powers in the expression $\ds x^n = \sum_k {n \brace k} x^{\underline k}$ are uniquely defined by:
$\ds {n \brace k} = {n - 1 \brace k - 1} + k {n - 1 \brace k}$
where $\ds {n \brace k} = \delta_{n k}$ where $k = 0$ or $n = 0$.


Also see
