Extended Soundness Theorem for Propositional Tableaus and Boolean Interpretations

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Tableau proofs (in terms of propositional tableaus) are a strongly sound proof system for boolean interpretations.

That is, for every collection $\mathbf H$ of WFFs of propositional logic and every WFF $\mathbf A$:

$\mathbf H \vdash_{\mathrm{PT}} \mathbf A$ implies $\mathbf H \models_{\mathrm{BI}} \mathbf A$


By definition of tableau proof, $\mathbf H \vdash_{\mathrm{PT}} \mathbf A$ means:

There exists a tableau confutation of $\mathbf H \cup \set {\neg\mathbf A}$.

By Tableau Confutation implies Unsatisfiable, it follows that $\mathbf H \cup \set {\neg\mathbf A}$ is unsatisfiable for boolean interpretations.

Therefore, if some boolean interpretation $v$ models $\mathbf H$:

$v \models_{\mathrm{BI}} \mathbf H$

then since $\mathbf H \cup \set {\neg\mathbf A}$ is unsatisfiable:

$v \not\models_{\mathrm{BI}} \neg\mathbf H$

Now by definition of the relation $\models_{\mathrm{BI}}$, it must be that:

$\map v {\neg \mathbf A} = F$

By the truth table for $\neg$, this implies:

$\map v {\mathbf A} = T$

which is to say $v \models_{\mathrm{BI}} \mathbf A$.


$v \models_{\mathrm{BI}} \mathbf H$ implies $v \models_{\mathrm{BI}} \mathbf A$

that is, $\mathbf A$ is a $\mathrm{BI}$-semantic consequence of $\mathbf H$:

$\mathbf H \models_{\mathrm{BI}} \mathbf A$

which was to be shown.


Also see
