Extension Theorem for Isomorphisms
Let the following conditions be fulfilled:
- Let $\struct {S, \circ}$ be a commutative semigroup with cancellable elements
- Let $\phi$ be an isomorphism from $\struct {S, \circ}$ into a semigroup $\struct {T, *}$
- Let $\struct {S', \circ'}$ be an inverse completion of $\struct {S, \circ}$
- Let $\struct {T', \circ'}$ be an inverse completion of $\struct {T, \circ}$.
Then there is a unique isomorphism $\phi': S' \to T'$ extending $\phi$.
Let $C$ be the subsemigroup of cancellable elements of $S$.
It is proved that this is a semigroup by Cancellable Elements of Semigroup form Subsemigroup.
The set of cancellable elements of $T$ is $\phi \sqbrk C$.
By the Extension Theorem for Homomorphisms, there is:
- A unique homomorphism $\phi'$ from $S'$ into $T'$ extending $\phi$
- A unique homomorphism $\psi$ from $T'$ into $S'$ extending $\phi^{-1}$.
Therefore, $\psi \circ \phi'$ is an endomorphism of $S'$ whose restriction to $S$ is the inclusion mapping $\iota_S: S \to S'$:
- $\forall x \in S: \map \iota x = x$
From Inclusion Mapping is Monomorphism, $\iota_S$ is a monomorphism from $S$ into $S'$.
But by the Extension Theorem for Homomorphisms, the identity automorphism of $S'$ is the only endomorphism of $S'$ extending $\iota_S$ from $S$ into $S'$, so:
- $\psi \circ \phi' = I_{S'}$
- $\phi' \circ \psi = I_{T'}$
So by Bijection iff Left and Right Inverse, $\phi'$ is a bijection and therefore an isomorphism.
- 1965: Seth Warner: Modern Algebra ... (previous) ... (next): Chapter $\text {IV}$: Rings and Fields: $\S 20$: The Integers: Theorem $20.5$