Fibonacci's Greedy Algorithm

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Let $\dfrac p q$ denote a proper fraction expressed in canonical form.

Fibonacci's greedy algorithm is a greedy algorithm which calculates a sequence of distinct unit fractions which together sum to $\dfrac p q$:

\(\ds \dfrac p q\) \(=\) \(\ds \sum_{\substack {1 \mathop \le k \mathop \le m \\ n_j \mathop \le n_{j + 1} } } \dfrac 1 {n_k}\)
\(\ds \) \(=\) \(\ds \dfrac 1 {n_1} + \dfrac 1 {n_2} + \dotsb + \dfrac 1 {n_m}\)

Fibonacci's Greedy Algorithm is as follows:

$(1) \quad$ Let $p = x_0$ and $q = y_0$ and set $k = 0$.
$(2) \quad$ Is $x_k = 1$? If so, the algorithm has finished.
$(3) \quad$ Find the largest unit fraction $\dfrac 1 {m_k}$ less than $\dfrac {x_k} {y_k}$.
$(4) \quad$ Calculate $\dfrac {x_{k + 1} } {y_{k + 1} } = \dfrac {x_k} {y_k} - \dfrac 1 {m_k}$ expressed in canonical form.
$(5) \quad$ Go to step $(2)$.

Also see

Source of Name

This entry was named for Leonardo Fibonacci.
