First Element of Geometric Sequence not dividing Second/Proof 1

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Let $P = \sequence {a_j}_{0 \mathop \le j \mathop \le n}$ be a geometric sequence of integers of length $n$.

Let $a_0$ not be a divisor of $a_1$.


$\forall j, k \in \set {0, 1, \ldots, n}, j \ne k: a_j \nmid a_k$

That is, if the initial term of $P$ does not divide the second, no term of $P$ divides any other term of $P$.

In the words of Euclid:

If there be as many numbers as we please in continued proportion, and the first do not measure the second, neither will any other measure any other.

(The Elements: Book $\text{VIII}$: Proposition $6$)


Let $P_a = \tuple {a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_n}$ be a geometric sequence of natural numbers such that $a_0 \nmid a_1$.

Aiming for a contradiction, suppose $a_0 \divides a_k$ for some $k: 2 \le k \le n$.

Let $b_0, b_1, \ldots, b_k$ be the least natural numbers which have the same common ratio as $a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_k$.

These can be found by means of Proposition $33$ of Book $\text{VII} $: Least Ratio of Numbers.

From Proposition $14$ of Book $\text{VII} $: Proportion of Numbers is Transitive

$a_0 : a_k = b_0 : b_k$


$a_0 : a_1 = b_0 : b_1$

and so as $a_0 \nmid a_1$ it follows by Book $\text{VII}$ Definition $20$: Proportional:

$b_0 \nmid b_1$

From One Divides all Integers it follows that:

$b_0 \ne 1$

From Proposition $3$ of Book $\text{VIII} $: Construction of Sequence of Numbers with Given Ratios:

$b_0 \perp b_k$

But as:

$a_0 : a_k = b_0 : b_k$

it follows that:

$a_0 \nmid a_k$

Now suppose $a_j \divides a_k$ such that $0 < j < k$.

Let $b_j, \ldots, b_k$ be the least natural numbers which have the same common ratio as $a_j, \ldots, a_k$.

These can be found by means of Proposition $33$ of Book $\text{VII} $: Least Ratio of Numbers.

From Proposition $14$ of Book $\text{VII} $: Proportion of Numbers is Transitive:

$a_j : a_k = b_j : b_k$

The other cases follow similarly.


Historical Note

This proof is Proposition $6$ of Book $\text{VIII}$ of Euclid's The Elements.
