Function Obtained by Primitive Recursion from URM Computable Functions

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Let the functions $f: \N^k \to \N$ and $g: \N^{k + 2} \to \N$ be URM computable functions.

Let $h: \N^{k + 1} \to \N$ be obtained from $f$ and $g$ by primitive recursion.

Then $h$ is also URM computable.


From the definition:

$\forall n \in \N: \map h {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n} = \begin {cases}

\map f {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k} & : n = 0 \\ \map g {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n - 1, \map h {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n - 1} } & : n > 0 \end {cases}$

Let $P$ and $Q$ be normalized URM programs which compute $f$ and $g$ respectively.

Let $s = \map \lambda P$ and $t = \map \lambda Q$ be the number of basic instructions in $P$ and $Q$.

Let $u = \max \set {\map \rho P, \map \rho Q, k + 2}$.

Thus registers $R_{u + 1}, R_{u + 2}, \ldots$ are neither used by $P$ nor $Q$ nor for input.

So they can be used for storing values.

The following algorithm can be followed to create a URM program $H$ to compute $h$.

We assume that the input is $\tuple {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n}$, which is held in $R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_k, R_{k + 1}$.

The plan is that the program will compute $\map h {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, i}$ for $i = 0, 1, 2, \ldots, n$ in order.

At the end of the last iteration, $\map h {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n}$ will be left in $R_1$.

We are to use the following registers:

$R_{u + 1}, R_{u + 2}, \ldots, R_{u + k + 1}$ will be used to store the input $\tuple {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n}$ so it does not get overwritten.
We note that $R_{u + k + 1}$ will hold the value of $n$.
$R_{u + k + 2}$ will hold the current value of the recursion variable $i$.

When $r_{u + k + 2} = r_{u + k + 1}$, the computation will have ended.

Step Process Notes $\map \lambda H$
$1$ Append a Block Copy Program $\map C {1, u + 1, k + 1}$ to $H$[1]. This stores the input somewhere safe so it can be accessed again later. $k + 1$
$2$ Append $\map Z {k + 1}$ to $H$. This clears $R_{k + 1}$ so that $R_1, R_2, \ldots, R_{k + 1}$ holds the input for calculating $f$. $k + 2$
$3$ Increment the Jumps in $P$ by $k + 2$ lines[2]. Call this amended version $P'$. As $P$ was written so as to start from line 1, we need to move all the Jumps so as to point to the same lines relative to the start of $P'$.
$4$ Append $P'$ to $H$. This will compute $\map h {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n} = \map f {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k}$. $k + s + 2$
$5$ Append the command $\map J {u + k + 1, u + k + 2, k + s + t + 8}$ to $H$. If the iterator equals the value of $n$ that was input, this Jumps $H$ to a non-existent line to force $H$ to terminate. $k + s + 3$
$6$ Append the command $\map C {1, k + 2}$ to $H$. This copies the output of $P'$ into the last input location for function $g$, that is, the output from $\map h {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, i - 1}$. $k + s + 4$
$7$ Append the command $\map C {u + k + 2, k + 1}$ to $H$. This moves the current contents of $R_{u + k + 2}$, the current iteration count, into the last but one input location for function $g$, that is, $i - 1$ itself. $k + s + 5$
$8$ Append a Block Copy Program $\map C {u + 1, 1, k}$ to $H$. This restores the input that we saved in step $1$ so it will be ready for program $Q$. $2 k + s + 5$
$9$ Append the command $\map S {u + k + 2}$ to $H$. This increments the iterator $i$. $2 k + s + 6$
$10$ Calculate $l = \map \lambda H$. This is the length of $H$ so far.
$11$ Increment the Jumps in $Q$ by $k + l$ lines. Call this amended version $Q'$. As $Q$ was written so as to start from line 1, we need to move all the Jumps so as to point to the same lines relative to the start of $Q'$.
$12$ Append $Q'$ to $H$. This will compute $\map h {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k, n} = \map f {n_1, n_2, \ldots, n_k}$. $2 k + s + t + 6$
$13$ Append the command $\map J {1, 1, k + s + 3}$ to $H$. This makes the program jump back to the command added at step $6$. $2 k + s + t + 7$

The program $H$ finally looks like this:

Line Command Comment
$1$ $\map C {1, u + 1}$ Start of block copy of input to store.
$k + 1$ $\map C {k + 1, u + k + 1}$ End of block copy of input to store.
$k + 2$ $\map Z {k + 1}$ Clear the iterator to zero.
$k + 3$ Start of $P'$.
$k + s + 2$ End of $P'$.
$k + s + 3$ $\map J {u + k + 1, u + k + 2, k + s + t + 8}$ If all the iterations have finished, jump to the exit line.
$k + s + 4$ $\map C {1, k + 2}$ Copy the output of $P'$ into input of $Q'$.
$k + s + 5$ $\map C {u + k + 2, k + 1}$ Copy the current iteration count input location for function $Q'$.
$k + s +6$ $\map C {u + 1, 1}$ Start of block copy of stored input back to input of $Q'$.
$2 k + s + 5$ $\map C {u + k, k}$ End of block copy of stored input back to input of $Q'$.
$2 k + s + 6$ $\map S {u + k + 2}$ Increment the iterator.
$2 k + s + 7$ Start of $Q'$.
$2 k + s + t + 6$ End of $Q'$.
$2 k + s + t + 7$ $\map J {1, 1, k + s + 3}$ Jump back to start the next iteration through $Q'$.
$2 k + s + t + 8$ Empty Exit line.

It can easily be determined that $H$ computes $h$.

Hence $h$ is URM computable.



Note that there are two things going on here. The first table is an algorithm for creating the program, the second table is the program itself.


  1. $H$, at this point, is a null URM program.
  2. To increment the Jumps by $r$ for any normalized URM program is done by changing all Jumps of the form $\map J {m, n, q}$ to $\map J {m, n, q + r}$.