Functor Category is Category
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Let $\mathbf C$ and $\mathbf D$ be categories.
Then the functor category $\mathrm{Fun}(\mathbf C, \mathbf D)$ is a category.
We check the metacategory axioms.
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Composition (C1)
By Composite Of Natural Transformations is Natural Transformation composition of morphisms in $\map {\operatorname {Fun} } {\mathbf C, \mathbf D}$ is well-defined.
Existence of identity morphisms (C2)
Let $F$ be an object of $\map {\operatorname {Fun} } {\mathbf C, \mathbf D}$, that is a functor $F:
- \mathbf C \to \mathbf D$
Define $\mathrm{id}_F : F \to F$ as the transformation, that assigns to every object $A$ of $\mathbf C$ the identity morphism $\operatorname {id}_{\map F A} : \map F A \to \map F A$.
Let $f : A \to B$ be a morphism in $\mathbf C$.
The diagram:
- $\xymatrix{ \map F A \ar[r]^{\operatorname {id}_{\map F A} } \ar[d]^{\map F f} & F(A) \ar[d]^{\map F f} \\ \map F B \ar[r]^{\operatorname {id}_{\map F B} } & \map F B }$
is commutative, since:
- $\map F f = \operatorname {id}_{\map F B} \circ \map F f = \map F f \circ \operatorname {id}_{\map F A}$.
Hence $\operatorname {id}_F$ is a natural transformation.
Let $G: \mathbf C \to \mathbf D$ be a functor.
Let $\alpha: F \to G$ be a natural transformation.
For every object $A$ of $\mathbf C$, we have:
- $\alpha_A \circ \operatorname {id}_{\map F A} = \alpha_A$, so $\alpha \circ \operatorname {id}_F = \alpha$
Let $H : \mathbf C \to \mathbf D$ be a functor.
Let $\beta : H \to F$ be a natural transformation.
For every object $A$ of $\mathbf C$, we have:
- $\operatorname {id}_{\map F A} \circ \beta_A = \beta_A$, so $\operatorname {id}_F \circ \beta = \beta$
Associativity of composition (C3)
Let $F_1, F_2, F_3, F_4 : \mathbf C \to \mathbf D$ be functors.
Let $\alpha_1: F_1 \to F_2$, $\alpha_2: F_2 \to F_3$, $\alpha_3: F_3 \to F_4$ be natural transformations.
For every object $A$ of $\mathbf C$, we have morphisms:
- $\alpha_{1, A}: \map {F_1} A \to \map {F_2} A$
- $\alpha_{2, A}: \map {F_2} A \to \map {F_3} A$
- $\alpha_{3, A}: \map {F_3} A \to \map {F_4} A$
By associativity of composition in $\mathbf D$:
- $\paren {\alpha_{3, A} \circ \alpha_{2, A} } \circ \alpha_{1, A} = \alpha_{3, A} \circ \paren {\alpha_{2, A} \circ \alpha_{1, A} }$
The associativity:
- $\paren {\alpha_3 \circ \alpha_2} \circ \alpha_1 = \alpha_3 \circ \paren {\alpha_2 \circ \alpha_1}$